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Volume 1(1); 1972
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The Historical Review of Diabetes Mellitus
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):1-3.
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Biochemistry of Diabetes
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):5-6.
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Treatment of Diabetic Acidosis
Edmund B. Flink
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):7-11.
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Current Therapy of Diabetes with Oral Antidiabetogenic Agents
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):13-15.
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Epidemiological Study on Diabetes Mellitus among Rural Korean
Kyoung Sik Kim , Choon Ho Choi , Do Young Lee , Eung Jin kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):17-24.
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An epidemiological study on diabetes mellitus was conducted against 20 of the total inhabitants, 10 years o. age and above only, of Okku-gun, Chollapuk-do, plain farming area, applying two stage stratified random sampling method. Selectcd examinee totalled to 15, 853 of which 7, 656 were male and 8, 197 were female. The first step of testing was to test each axaminees urine-sugar with Tes-tape and the second was applying glucose toIerance test (GTT) against those vho were found with positive glycosuria. Of the total examinees, only 250 were found with positive glycosuria. The folloeing shaws the results of the survey: The glycosuria positive rate found through Tes-tape method revealed 3. 29% for male l. 29% for female. It averages 2. 26%. It also revealed that the older had higher positive rate as it can be evidenced from the following: l0 ~ 19 years old---0.90%. 20 ~ 29 years old ---1.46% 30 ~39 years old --- 2. 61% 40 ~ 49 years old --- 2. 97% 50 ~ 59 years old --- 3. 81% 60 ~ 69 years old --- 4.51% 70 years old and above --- 3, 02% 2. Of the examinees with positive glycosuria, 54. 8% of them have shown an abnormal GTT and of those who have shown abnormal GTT, 42.7% of mde and 32. 8% of female were diagnosed as diabetes. It averages 40.4% and 14.4% were possible diabetes. Older group had a higher number of abnormal GTT. 3, Prevalence rate of diabetes wes 0, 91%, Prevalence rate of male was 1. 41% while the same for female vas 0. 42%. Consequently, the sex ratio (male to female) revealed as 3.4: 1. Showing a significant ditference between the sexes (p<0.01), The study also revealed that the pervalence rate was higher in alder age group as follows. There also had been a significant difference between age groups (p<0. 01), and in the case of mak the difference between age groups was more higher. 10 ~ 19 yeaa old --- 0. 14% 20 ~ 29 years old --- 0.18% 30 ~ 39 years old --- 0. 50% 40 ~ 49 years old --- 1.22% 50 ~ 59 year old --- 0.94% 60 ~ 69 year old --- 2.97% 70 years old and above ---2.01% 6. Ninety-fine percent of the total personnel who were in diabetic state did not recognize of their disease bythe mselves 7. Those who were in diabetic state had a higher rate of camplication as shown below; Hypertension --- 30.7% Fulmonary TB --- 12 9% Nephropathy --- 18.8% Retinopathy --- 22. 8% Cataract --- 4.0%
Carbohydrate metabolism Studies in Liver Diseases
Joong keun Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):25-31.
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Glucose toleranee tests were performed in 26 cases of liver cirrhosis, 3 cases of hepatoma, 3 cases of aoute viral hepatitis and 15 control subjects. Tolbutamide tests were performed in 7 cases of liver cirrhosis and l hepatoma patient, who all showed severely altered diabetic glucose tolerance. The results of studies were as follows: 1) Twenty patients (77%) among 26 cases of liver cirrhosis had diabetic glucose tolerance curve.2) The results in the hepatoma and hepatitis cases were similar to that observed in patients with liver cirrhosis. 3) There was no significant relationship between the liver function tests and the glucose tolerance. 4) Diabetic glucose tolerance curve were more often observed in the patients with decompensated cirrhosis as compared to the patients with compensated cases.5) In general, delayed but almost normal response to intravenous tolbutamide loading was observed in 8 cases of liver diseases, although they all showed severely altered diabetic glucose toleranee.
Oral Glucose Tolerance and Serum Insulin Level in Normal Korean people
Young Soo Kim , Je Hyun Kim , Young Hoon park , Chung Suk Song , Ho Kil park , Sang Young Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):33-37.
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Glucos; tolerance and serum insulin level are good tools in diagncsis of diabetcs mellitus. There have been few normal value of the above reportad. However, oral glucos tolerance and serum insulin levels are observed in 54 medical students of Yonsei University. The results were as fellows: Maximum level of blood glucose was observer at 30 minutes following the oral glucose desage, and it was 1, 3 times higher than the fasting level. This value is lower than of Europeans. 2. Fasting serum insulin 1evel was 22. 8 +- 1.5 Mu/ml. This is similar to that of European and Japanese's fasiing serum insulin values. 3, The serum insulin level at 30 minutes following the glucose intake was 36. 3mU/ml. This is 1.6 times higher than that af the Iasting level, and it is quite lower than that of the Europeans. 4, Blood gluccee level showed a good parallel to the serum insulin level. It may indicate that insulin secretion is controlled by blood glucose level.
A Clinical Study on Cardiovascular Complication in Diabetes Mellitus
Young Myoung Moon , Chang Kyu Kim , Jee Sook Hahn , Sang Yong Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):39-44.
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Diabetes mellitus is a worldwise disease affecting millions of persons. The high prevalence of cardiovascular disease among diabetics is well known. And vascular disease is well established as a leading cause of death among diabetics since insulin and antibiotics have done much to combat some of the other causes (JosIin at al). So we investigated the cardiovascular complications among the 634 diabetics admitted to Severanee hospital from January, I963 to December, 1969, and the following results were obtained. 1) Among the cardiovascular compfications of diabetics hypertension was the most common (28.2%), and arteriosclerosis had a frequency of 9, 6%, myocardial isahemia 5. 0%, myocardial infretion 2.3% and gangrene 1. 4%, Also, Above frequencies were higher than of general population in Korea. 2) The frequency of cardiovascular complications increased as the age became older, and as the duration of diabetes mellitus became longer. 3) The group with higher level of serum cholesterol had the higher frequency of vascular complications. 4) The varisnce of the level of serum cholesterol along the duration of diabetes and the level blood sugar on admission were not significant. 5)The variance of frequency of eardiovascolar complications along the level of F.B.S. on admission was not significant also.
Experience with Hemodialysis in Diabetic Nephrosclerosis
D.S. Yoon , S.J. Hong , B.k. Bang , D.J. Kim , B.S. Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):45-48.
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Hemodialysis in the diabetics with renal failure presents a special problem because of the accentuated hyperglycemia and hyperosmolality which may precipitate nonketotic coma. The authors intend to report their experience with 5 hemodialysises in a 56 year-oId Korean male patient with renal failure and massive anasarca due to diabetic glomeruloaclerosis. Because of progressive edema and uremic symptoms, hemodialysis was carried out on 5 occasions at weekly interval with different insulin dosages and various amounts of glucose and mannitoI added to dialyzing solution. Kolff's Twin-coil dialyzer was used. Although reduction in body weight by as much as 3.8kg was achieved with 400'gm of glucose added every hour to the dialyzing solution, the blood glucose leveIs rose to near 300 mg when the patient developed hedache, nausea, vomiting and hypertension. Satisfactory result was obtained with moderate reduction in body weight (2. 5 kg) and with little fluctuations in glucose level, requiring no additional insulin, when mannitoI was added every hour to the dialyzing solution.
Clinical Studies on Glybenclamide ( Daonil ) , a New Hypoglycemic Sulfonylurea in Korea
Eun Jin Kim , Young Kun kim , Soon Hyun Shin , Joong Keun Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):49-54.
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The hypoglycemic effect of glybenclamide (Daonil), a new derivates of the hypoglycemia sulfonylureas, was studied on 41 diabetics registered at the Diabetic Clinics of Seoul National University Hospital, Observing the effect after administering for 1~ 3 months to these patients, the results were as Follows: 1. Glybenclamide was given to 20 cases who had no experience of previous treatment and the result of excellent or good controI was obtained in 18 cases (90%). 2. In 14 cases who had been treated with other sulfonyIures derivatives, 10 cases (71,4%) showed exellent or good control. 3, Glybenelamide treatment in 7 eases who had been treated with about 20 units of N.P,H. resulted in excellent or good control of diabetes in 5 cases (71. 4%) 4. The influence of age, body weight, duration of disease and complication on the effect of glybenclamide was studied. According to the result, difference of age showed no remarkabIe influence on the effect of glybenclamide, but relatively better results were obtained in the group of obese patients. The shorter the duration of disease, the better the results. The patient with minor complication had same result as those who had no complications. 5. Glybenclamide, a sulfonylurea derivative with strong hypaglycemic effect, can be said to be one of the strongest oral hypogIycemic agents. Considering absence of any remarkable side effects or toxicity during the clinical studies and its relatively low dese necessary for diabetes control, glybenclamide is thought the most effective agent in long term therapy of diabetes.
Two Cases of Diabetes Mellitus Secondary to Acromegaly
Soon Hyun Shinn , Eung Jin Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):55-57.
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Two cases of diabetes mellitus secondary to acromegaly were presented. One patient was responed te radiation therapy well, but the other patient was not and required insuiin for contol of diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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