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Epidemiological Study on Diabetes Mellitus among Rural Korean
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 1972;1(1):17-24
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An epidemiological study on diabetes mellitus was conducted against 20 of the total inhabitants, 10 years o. age and above only, of Okku-gun, Chollapuk-do, plain farming area, applying two stage stratified random sampling method. Selectcd examinee totalled to 15, 853 of which 7, 656 were male and 8, 197 were female. The first step of testing was to test each axaminees urine-sugar with Tes-tape and the second was applying glucose toIerance test (GTT) against those vho were found with positive glycosuria. Of the total examinees, only 250 were found with positive glycosuria. The folloeing shaws the results of the survey: The glycosuria positive rate found through Tes-tape method revealed 3. 29% for male l. 29% for female. It averages 2. 26%. It also revealed that the older had higher positive rate as it can be evidenced from the following: l0 ~ 19 years old---0.90%. 20 ~ 29 years old ---1.46% 30 ~39 years old --- 2. 61% 40 ~ 49 years old --- 2. 97% 50 ~ 59 years old --- 3. 81% 60 ~ 69 years old --- 4.51% 70 years old and above --- 3, 02% 2. Of the examinees with positive glycosuria, 54. 8% of them have shown an abnormal GTT and of those who have shown abnormal GTT, 42.7% of mde and 32. 8% of female were diagnosed as diabetes. It averages 40.4% and 14.4% were possible diabetes. Older group had a higher number of abnormal GTT. 3, Prevalence rate of diabetes wes 0, 91%, Prevalence rate of male was 1. 41% while the same for female vas 0. 42%. Consequently, the sex ratio (male to female) revealed as 3.4: 1. Showing a significant ditference between the sexes (p<0.01), The study also revealed that the pervalence rate was higher in alder age group as follows. There also had been a significant difference between age groups (p<0. 01), and in the case of mak the difference between age groups was more higher. 10 ~ 19 yeaa old --- 0. 14% 20 ~ 29 years old --- 0.18% 30 ~ 39 years old --- 0. 50% 40 ~ 49 years old --- 1.22% 50 ~ 59 year old --- 0.94% 60 ~ 69 year old --- 2.97% 70 years old and above ---2.01% 6. Ninety-fine percent of the total personnel who were in diabetic state did not recognize of their disease bythe mselves 7. Those who were in diabetic state had a higher rate of camplication as shown below; Hypertension --- 30.7% Fulmonary TB --- 12 9% Nephropathy --- 18.8% Retinopathy --- 22. 8% Cataract --- 4.0%

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    Epidemiological Study on Diabetes Mellitus among Rural Korean
    Korean Diabetes J. 1972;1(1):17-24.
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. Epidemiological Study on Diabetes Mellitus among Rural Korean. Diabetes Metab J. 1972;1(1):17-24.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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