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Volume 2(1); 1974
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Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):1-3.
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Studies of Blood Glucose , plasma Insulin , and Free Fatty Acid Levels During Oral Glucose Loading in Thyrotoxicosis
Kyun Ill Yoon , Bong Sub Shim , Kap Bum Huh , Sang Yong Lee , Yong Soo Kim , Je Hyun Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):5-11.
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An abnormal oral glucose tolerance curve is a common accompaniment of thyrotoxicosis. The increaeed frequency of diabetes mellitus in hyperthyroidism and the adverse effect of hyperthyroidmm an patients with diabetes mellitus is we1t established- The mechanisrn coatribeting to thii impaired carbohydrate tolerance is unclear. Glucose tolerance is dependent upon the interaction of tissue sensitivity to insulin and the magnitude af insulin secretion. During the hyperthyroid state, tissue sensitiuity to insulin has been variabIy reported to be increased (Elrick et al., 1961), or decreased (Doar et al., 1969). The result of insulin secretion studies have also been qeite varied; decreased (Renauld et ak, 1971), normel (HaIes and Hyams, 1964), or in creased (Doar et al., l969). The mechanism of glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) have been shown to be ipterrelated in such a way that either may reduce the oxidation of the other (Randle et al.1963), Hales and Hyams (1964) advanced the hypothesis that the reduced glucose tolerance in thyrotoxic patients was secondary to an increased concentrition af FFA in plasma. The present study investigations were carried out with the object of determining whether there was any relationship among the impairment af glucose tolerance, plasma insulin and plasma FFA concentrations. The blood glucose, plasma insulin, and plasma FFA concentrations during 50 gm, oral glucose loading were measured in 8 normal and l2 thyrotoxic subjects to study the glucose metabolism in thyrotoxicosis. Following were the results: By Wilkerson's criteria, eight of twelve thyrotoxic subjects (67 percent) had abnormally high glucose level after oral glucose loading. In comparing with control group, the mean blood glueose level of thyrotoxic patients after oral glucose Ioading was significantly elevated in comparing with that af control subjects. 2. The mean plasma insulin concentrations were not significantly different between two groups, but the postprandial one hour value was significantly increased in thyrotoxic group, 3. The fasting mean plasme FFA level of thyrotoxic group was 1. 8 times higher than that of controJ group and after glucose loading plasma FFA concentration decreased more rapidly in thyrotoxic group. In view of the above experimental findings, the mechanism of abnormal carbohydrate metabolism in the patients with thyrotoxicosis may be interpreted as deficiency of insulin effectivity than that of insulin secretion.
Relationship between Serum Total Lipids Level and Sex , Age , Blood Sugar Level , Body Weight and Vascular Complications in Korean Diabetics
Eung Jin Kim , Sun Hyeon Shinn , young Keon Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):13-17.
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A stasticaI analysis was made in studyinng the serurn lipids Ievel of Korean diabetics and its relation to sex, age, severity of disease, body weight of patients and diabetic vascular complications. Those studied were 314 diabetics and 37 normal subjects seen in Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul. High total lipids leveI was found at a higher rate among the diabetics, especially among females and the higher their age, the higher total Iipids lewel was. There was significant correlation between fasting blood sugar level and total lipids, The incidenee of high total lipids level was higher in cases with high blood. Sugar level. High total lipids level was related to obesity in male diabetics, but no significant relation in female patient.. No significant correlationn was found between total lipids level and diabetic vascular complications.
The Study of Testosterone and Its Metabolites in 24 Hour Urine of Diabetic and Healthy Koreans
Chein Soo Hong , Seung Jin paik , Kap Bum Hub , Sang Young Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):19-25.
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The etiologic factors of impotence are psycholagic, endocrinopathic and neuropathic caues. In diabetes, the organic factors are more important than psychologic factors, because number of diabetic men were unable to experience of morning erection or erection by masturbation. For the study of endocrinopathic couses, 17-KS, testosterone, androsterone aad etiocholanolone in urinc were measured. The testosterone and its metabolites were measured (for diabetics) in 24 hour urine 25 and l8 healthy Korean men with the method of Koji Nakashima and Mitsaaki Tajiri by gea-chromatogrephy, The results are as followings: 1. The mean proportion of measurements of testosterone and its metabolites were 2. 46+-1.487 mg/day in diabeties and 3.67+-1.526mg/day in healthy men. (p<0.05) 2. In age group of diabeties, the mean value in the ages over 50 was 1. 967mg/day, and lower in the age of under 50 was 2.724 mg/day. According to the aging difference of the mean vaIue was more prominent in diabetics with impotence, (1.494 mg/day3 than in diabetes without impotence (9. 343 mg/day). 3. In this study, the measurements were no apparent relationships between the blood sugar level and the duration of diabetes,
Epidemiological Studies on Diabetes Mellitus in Korea - part . 3 Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in Urban Inhabitants
Jung Woon Hwang , Eung Jin Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):27-32.
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Tbe repeated diabetic detection survey was conducted for 4 consecutive years, 1969~1972, in a bank employees in Seoul The postpreadial uiiae augar test with Tes-tape followed by glucose tolerance test was given to 1697 employees . 1)Among the 1967 examinees,208(12.3%) was found with positive glycosuria The glycosuria positive rate in 1,256 males was 16.2%. 2) The number of positive glycosuria was 86 (7.3%) in 1969, 70(5.2% in 1970, 84(5.9%) in 1971, and 85(5.8%) in 1972. Only less than 50% of totel 208 positive glycosurias was found annually. 3) Out of 208 cases with positive glycosuria, 61 diabetics were found. The prevalence rate in male was 4,9%. Among the male examinees with positive gIycosuria, 30. 4% were shown as diabetics. Out of 61 diabetics 18 cases had been previously known and 43 were new cases. 4) Out of 44 eases with trace glycosuria, 12(27.3%) were diabetics.
Clinical Studies on Diabetes Mellitus
Duck Ho Han , Sang In Lee , Kap Bum Huh , Sang Yong Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):33-43.
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One thousand and three hundred and thirty-two cases of diabetes mellitus who were admitted to Yonsei Medical Center, Severance Hospital from July 1963 to June 1973 were studied and the following results were obtained. 1. During the same period, the total inpatients were 119, 763, giving an overall incidence of the diabetes mellitus 1.11%, The male patients dominated the female by the ratio of 2. 3 to 1. The peak incidence occurred in 6th decade. Obese patients (over 10% ef ideal body weight) were 50.4% of diabetes mellitus. 3. Probable precipitating factors of diabetes mellitus were obesity (18.8%), heredity (8. 3%), and infection (5. 7%) in order of frequency, The precipitating factors could not be elicited in 36.7%. The common symptoms of the onset of the diabetes mellitus were thirst (39. 1%), weakness (36.5%) and polyuria (35. 7%). 5. The associated complications of the diabetes mellitus were infection (32,3%), hyperteasion (29.6%) and neuropathy (22.9%). The diabetic coma was encountered in 1.5%. The mild fasting hyperglycemia (120 ~150 mg%) were seen in 32.3% of diabetics. 7. The Hypercholesterolemia (over 200mg%) were seen in 51.9% of diabetics. Although it had varying effect to the therapeutic method, there was better effect in lower fasting sugar group, 9.The therapeutic effect was better in the obese diabetics than the nonobese.
Clinical Experience with Glibornuride ( Glutril ) during Treatment of Maturity - Onset Diabetes
Eung Jin Kim , Young Kun Kim , Soon Hyun Shin , Myung Whan Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1974;2(1):45-50.
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The hypoglycemic effect of glibornuride (Glutril), a new derivate of the hypoglycemic sulfonylureas, was studied on 97 diabetics registered at the Diabetic Clinic of Seoul National University Hospital. From the observation of the effect after administering for 1-19 months, average 4. 8 months, to the almost not or poorly controlIed maturity-onset diabetic patients, the following results were obtained. Glibornuride was given to 62 cases who had been treated with dietery regimen alone and the excellent or good control was obtained in 37 cases (60%). 2.Out of 30 csses who had been treated with other sulfonylurea derivates, 12 cases (40%) showed excellent or good control. 3. Glibornuride treatment in 5 cases who had been treated with less than 20 units of NPH insulin, resulted in excellent or good control in 3 cases (60%), 4. The influenoe of age, body weight, and duration of disease was studied. According to the resuits, difference of age showed no remarkable influence on the effect of glibornuride, but relatively better results were obtained in the group of obese patients, namely 80% of them showed excellent or good control. The shorter the duration of disease, the better the results. 5. The required period to show excellent or good control was 1-20 weeks, average 3-7 weeks, and the higher the fasting blood suger,level Before glibornuride administration, the longer the required period. At least 4-8 weeks siem to be necessary to extimate the effect of this agent, 6. During this trial there were 5 cases (5%) of primary failure and 3 cases (3%) of relative secondary failure among the relatively severe paticnts with long diabetic duration. 7. As the side effects, hypoglycemic symptoms, epigastric discomfort, nausea, fstigability or indigestion, all transient and mild, were see respectivefy in 7 cases (7. 2%), but there was no case who had to disconiinue this agent. Connsidering strong hypoglycemic effect and absence of any remarkable side effects and toxidity during the clinic studies, we can conclude that glibornuride is thought to be an useful agent in long term therapy of diabetes in the suitable indication.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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