Glucos; tolerance and serum insulin level are good tools in diagncsis of diabetcs mellitus. There have been few normal value of the above reportad. However, oral glucos tolerance and serum insulin levels are observed in 54 medical students of Yonsei University. The results were as fellows: Maximum level of blood glucose was observer at 30 minutes following the oral glucose desage, and it was 1, 3 times higher than the fasting level. This value is lower than of Europeans. 2. Fasting serum insulin 1evel was 22. 8 +- 1.5 Mu/ml. This is similar to that of European and Japanese's fasiing serum insulin values. 3, The serum insulin level at 30 minutes following the glucose intake was 36. 3mU/ml. This is 1.6 times higher than that af the Iasting level, and it is quite lower than that of the Europeans. 4, Blood gluccee level showed a good parallel to the serum insulin level. It may indicate that insulin secretion is controlled by blood glucose level.