The hypoglycemic effect of glybenclamide (Daonil), a new derivates of the hypoglycemia sulfonylureas, was studied on 41 diabetics registered at the Diabetic Clinics of Seoul National University Hospital, Observing the effect after administering for 1~ 3 months to these patients, the results were as Follows: 1. Glybenclamide was given to 20 cases who had no experience of previous treatment and the result of excellent or good controI was obtained in 18 cases (90%). 2. In 14 cases who had been treated with other sulfonyIures derivatives, 10 cases (71,4%) showed exellent or good control. 3, Glybenelamide treatment in 7 eases who had been treated with about 20 units of N.P,H. resulted in excellent or good control of diabetes in 5 cases (71. 4%) 4. The influence of age, body weight, duration of disease and complication on the effect of glybenclamide was studied. According to the result, difference of age showed no remarkabIe influence on the effect of glybenclamide, but relatively better results were obtained in the group of obese patients. The shorter the duration of disease, the better the results. The patient with minor complication had same result as those who had no complications. 5. Glybenclamide, a sulfonylurea derivative with strong hypaglycemic effect, can be said to be one of the strongest oral hypogIycemic agents. Considering absence of any remarkable side effects or toxicity during the clinical studies and its relatively low dese necessary for diabetes control, glybenclamide is thought the most effective agent in long term therapy of diabetes.