Among 779 patients diagnosed as diabetes mellitus in Chonnam University Hospital for last 6 years (1976-1981), 33I cases (42.5%) had one or more complications. As the main complications, cardiovascuIar insufficiency including hypertension in 223 cases (28. 7 %), nuropathy in 110 cases (14. 1%), retinopathy in 92 cases (11. 8% ) and nephropathy including proteinuria in 30 cases (3.9%) were observed, There were 112 diabetic. (14,4%) complicated with infection, 81 cases (10. 4%) of whom were pulmonary tuberculosis. Ketoacidosis was found in 7 diabetics (0. 9%) and cataracts in 30 diabetics (3. 9%). The duratian of diabetes had significant positive relationship with compIication.