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Volume 9(1); 1985
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Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Insulin Antibody in Insulin - Treated
Min Hwa Chung , Ki Up Lee , Moon Ki Choi , Yong Ki Min , Sung Woo Park , Seong Yeon Kim , Hong Kyu Lee , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):27-32.
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We evaluate l75 diabetie patients in quantitative blood sugar arid semiquantitative urine sugar at the same time, in crder to recognize how well correlates each other. The overall sensitivity was 86. 8% a.nd the specificity was 85. 7%, but in the intermediat group of bIood sugar, ranged 150-200 mg /, the negative urine test was revealed as 81.8%, We conclude that the semiquantitative urin sugar test in the sole mean of diabetic monitoring may be inappropriate cr" risky,"
Dynamic Modulation of Human Erythrocyte Insulin Receptor by Insulin in Vitro
Byung Ho Kim , Jeong Taek Woo , In Myung Yang , Jin Woo Kim , Young Seol Kim , Kwang Won Kim , Sun Woo Kim , Young Kil Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):33-40.
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In order to evalate the clinical usefulness of glycosylated hemoglobin and blood sugar level in 25 normal persons and 25 diabetic patienrs before and after diabetic treatment. The glycosylated henoglobin level in diabetics was significantly higher than that of normal control (9.4~1.6% vs 4.5~0.63%). After control of blood sugar in diabetics, the glycosylated hemoglobin level was significantly decreased compared with that of untreated diabetics, (from 9.4 +- 1.69% to7.7+-1.10%, p<0.005) but in 16% of cases, the glycosylated hemoglobin level was increased after treatment. Correlation between glycosylated hemoglobin and blood sugar level was significant as a whole(r= 0. 606, p<0. 001), but not significant in before or after diabetic control separately. The gIycosylated hemoglobin level of diahetic whose duratinn of illness was longer than 5 years was slightly higher than that of diabetics whose duration of illness was shorter than 5 years. The glycosylated hemoglobin level in diabetics with retinopathy was lower than that. Of diabetics without retinopathy. These resuIts suggest that, HbA,, measured by ordinary chroinatographic or electrophoretic method does not seems to be an accurate .indicator of long-term blood sugar control.
A Study for Classification of Primary Diabetes Mellitus
Sung Kil Lim , Hae Shim Park , Kyung Lae Kim , Hyun Chul Lee , Chein Soo Hong , Kap Bum Huh
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):41-49.
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To review the hepatic morphological feature in diabetic patient with impaired liver function, we obtained specimens of liver tissue by needle biopsy from 15 adult-onset diatbetic patients. Morphologic feature were assessed with light microscopy. The results were as follows. 1. Mean FBS level was 171 mg/100ml. 2. Mean values of liver function test were SGOT 134 units, SGPT 152 units, alkaline phosphatase 3.6 Bessey-Lowery units, prothrombin time 15 sec.,and serum total cholestrol 116 mg/100ml, respectively. 3. The morphological classification of liver damage of the patients revealed 7cases(46.7%)of chronic active hepatitis, 6case (46%) of liver cirrhosis, 1 case (6.7%) of alcholic hepatitis and 1 case (6.7%) of chronic persistent hepatitis. 4. All patients were treated with insulin. The mean daily requirement of insulin was 41 units. In diabetic patients with impaired liver function, the most common type of liver damage was chronic active hepatitis, next was liver cirrhosis. We couldn't pjrove its mechanism; further evaluation is needed in many other patients.
The Application of Radionuclide Retinal Scintigraphy for the Assessment of Retinopathy in Diabetes Mellitus
H . H . Lee , S . H . Choi , S . W . Lee , Y . T . Park , I . M . Ahn , S . K . Suh , Y . H . Jin , T . S . Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):51-58.
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Thirty two cases of acute metabolic complication in diabetic patints who were admitted to Yonsei Medical Center., Serverance Hospital from Janary, 1976 to December, 1980 were studied and the following reaults were obtained. Durivg the same period, the total in-patients were 105,962 and diabetic patients 2, 744(2. 6%). Among these diabetic patient.cases of acute metabolic complication were 32(1.16%), DKA 21 cases, HNC 10 cases and lactic acidesis 1 case. There was no sex difference in prevalance, and the mean age were 33.3 in DKA and 58.9 years in HNC. 3.The chief complairits on admidssion were merital change(46,9%),non-specific G-I symptoms (15.6%) generaI weakness (12,5%), respiration abnormality(12.5%) seizure and dehydration. 4.The phsical findings on admission were severe dehydration (90.6%), changes of mental status(84, 4%). KussnauI's respiration(43.8% ), abdominal tenderness, hepatomegay, and, neurologic deficit. 5. The precipitating factors were infection (28.1%), physical stress(25%), omission of insulin (18.8%), G-l and emotional upsets and alcohol or drug ingestion. 6.The mean plasma glucose levels on admission were 643.8 +-106.3 in DKA and 956.6+-445.3mg% in HNC. The mean serum sodium levels were 124.4+-39.6 and 153.4 +- 12.1mEq/L ,potassium 5.4+-0.9 and 4.6+-1.14 mEq/L ,CO'' contest 7.0+-3.8 and 23+-6.1 Mm/l, serum esmolarity 307.2 +-21.9 and 369.4+-12.2 mOsm/kg in DKA and HNC respectively. 7.The total doses of regular insulin required for initial 24 hours after admission were less than 50 units in 17 cases (53.1%), 51 to 100 units in 12 cases(37.5%), and 101 to 150 units in remaining 3 cases(9.4%). 8. The moratality rates of DKA and HNC were 14.3% and 50% respectively. The causes of death were underlying diseases (37.5%), sepsis (25%) and electrolyte imbalance (25%) death due to insulin hypoglycemia.
A Study on Serum Apolipoproteins and Lipids in Diabetic Patients
Seung Sei Lee , Min Ho Lee , Hyang Kim , Jae Ho Shin , Min Ja kim , Man Ho Lee , Sang Jong Lee , Chang Hwan Bae
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):59-71.
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Thirty-one patients with palmonary tuberculosis were found in 157 patients with diabetes who were diagnosed at the National Seoul Hospital from Jan.'78 to Dec.'81. 1) Male(21 cases) and female (10 cases) ratio of the patients was 2.1:1. The highest incidence was seen in the 40 th decade, and the next in fifth decade. .2) The incidence of pulmonary, tuberculosis in patents with diabetes mellitus was higher than those without diabetes. 3) Far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis was most common on chest roentgenograms. Caviatation occurred in 76% of all cases. 4) It seems that the severity of diabetes mellitus do not effect the prognostic course of pulmonary tuberculosis, in 3 month-follow-up study 5) It is most likely that diabetes mellitus may be predispossing or aggravatinirg factor of pulmonary tubeculosis, but does not affeet the course of puImonary tuberculosis.
A Study on Glucose Intolerance in Cushing ` s Syndrome
Chong Ik Lee , Chung Whee Choue , In Myung Yang , Jin Woo Kim , Young Seol Kim , Kwang Won Kim , Sun Woo Kim , Young Kil Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):73-79.
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Among 779 patients diagnosed as diabetes mellitus in Chonnam University Hospital for last 6 years (1976-1981), 33I cases (42.5%) had one or more complications. As the main complications, cardiovascuIar insufficiency including hypertension in 223 cases (28. 7 %), nuropathy in 110 cases (14. 1%), retinopathy in 92 cases (11. 8% ) and nephropathy including proteinuria in 30 cases (3.9%) were observed, There were 112 diabetic. (14,4%) complicated with infection, 81 cases (10. 4%) of whom were pulmonary tuberculosis. Ketoacidosis was found in 7 diabetics (0. 9%) and cataracts in 30 diabetics (3. 9%). The duratian of diabetes had significant positive relationship with compIication.
Zinc and Copper Metabolism in Diabetes Mellitus
Seong Yeon Kim , Yeon Sang Oh , Hong Kyu Lee , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):81-88.
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For the purpose of clinical application of insulin receptor assay, we studied the specific binding of '"l-insulin in vitro to circulating erythrocytes from 10 normal volunteers, 15 patients with non- obese diabetes mellitus and 15 patients with chronic renal failure. The speeific ""l-insulin binding was measured by competitive binding of ""I-iinsulin and unlabeled insulin to insulin receptor of erythrocytes, The results were as fallaws: 1) The mean maximal percent specific ""I-insulin bindings of the normai sbjects, the patients with diabetes mellitus and the patients with chronic renal failure were 6.6+-1.9 4. 3+-- 0.6 and 3.4+-0.5% ,respectively. 2) The maximal insulin receptor concentration calculated by Scatchard analysis were 0.9+- 0.2 and 0.4+-0.1 ng/4.4 x 1 Gcells in the patients with diabetes meIIitus and the patients with chronic renal faiiure, respeetively, both being significantly lower than 2.7+-0.8 ng/4.4 x 10' cells in the normal suhjects(p<0.05), 3) The mean number of recepter sites per cells obtained by multiplying by Avogadro's number were 10.1+-1.5 in the patients with chronic renal failure and 22.4+-4.3 in the patients with diabetes mellitus, hoth being significantly lower than 67.2 +-18.3 in the narmal subjects(p<0.05). 4) The mean erythrocyte rceptor affinity for insulin was 3.0+- 0.4 M' x 10' in the patients with chronic renal failure, being significantly higher than 1,9+- 0.5 and 2. 0+-0. 2 M ' x 10" in tha normal subjects and patients wlth diabetes mellitus(p< 0.05). 5) The mean plasma insulin level was 39.9+- 15.3, 43.3+-21.4 and 40.8+-19.5 pU/ml in the normal subjects, the patients with diabetes mellitus and the patients with chronic renal failure, respectively. It is concluded that the low leveI of insulin receptor concentration of the cell may be contributory factor to glucose intolerance or insulin resistance in the patients with diabetes mellitus and in the patients with chronic renal failure.
Development of a Diabetes Knowledge Test
Ki Up Lee , Young Ae Choi , Young Hee Lee , Sung Woo Park , Hyung Joon Yoo , Seong Yeon Kim , Hong Kyu Lee , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):89-93.
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44-year old male with 7-year history of diabetes mellitus was admitted to the hospitaI because of left flank pain and decreased visual acuity. Nephrectomy of the Ieft kidney for renal stone disclosed candidal invasion, and vitreous also reveaIed candial hypae. Amphotercin and flucytosine were administered and his symptoms abated and laboratary findings returned toward normal.
Evaluation of Dietary Practice in Diabetics by Three - Day Food Record
Hyung Joon Yoo , O Keum Song , Youn Mee Woo
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):95-99.
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A Study of Diabetes Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients
C . S . Lee , H . J . Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1985;9(1):101-106.
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Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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