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- Volume 11(1); 1987
- Erythrocyte Na+ , K+ - ATPass Activity in Type â…ˇ Diabetic Patients
Hyun Shik Son , Wan Suh Koo , Bong Yon Cha , Young Woo Kim , Young Suk Yoon , Kwang Woo Lee , Ho Young Son , Sung Ku Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):19-25.
- A survey was carried out during the period of August 1 to October 27,1982, to obtain information on knowledge of diabetes. 897 residents in Tague srea who said they wereeee not diabetics were interviewed. The following results were obtained. 1. About 99,7% of the surveyed residents had heard about diabetes while 0.03% had not heard about it. Of the people who know diabetes 33.5%, of them learned of diabetes through diabetics, 33.2% from mass media. 11.6% doctors or nurses, and from pharmacist. 2. In regard to the knowledge on the causes of diabetes, 23.5% of the respondents think that heredity is important in causing diabetes. 76. 7% think that diabetes is not an infectious disease, 56.9% think that a certain drug can cause diabetes. 3. About 40. 3% had some previous knowledge of symptoms of diabetes, while 59.7% did not know of any symptoms. 4.About. The complications ot diabetes,63,9% understand that they are more serious than the disease itself, 21.9% know about the healing hindrance of skin infection, 27.7%. About visual disturbance, 47, 3% about impotence, and 45.5% about hypertension. .Atbout the treatment of diabetes; (1) 95,3% know about the necesaity of diet. 78. 5% think that vegetables are permissible without any rigid limitation. (2) about exercise, 80% know about its necessity, 83% know about the necessity of hard exercise and 65% know that exercise after meal iss good.
- Altered Thyroid Hormone Metabolism and Impaired Pituitary Thyrotroph Function in Diabetes Mellitus
Yong Ki Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):27-34.
- We studied 6 cases of diabetes mellitus who were admitted to Seoul National University Hospital from January 1982 to December 1982, and obtained the following results. 1.The complications were most prevalent in the 6th decade, and the frequency of complications increased accrding to the duration of D.M. 2.Acute metabolic complications showed 2.3% as their frequency. 3.Diabetic retinopathy was diagnosed according to the runduscopic findings and its frequency was 56.1%. 4. Diabetic nephropathy had a frequency of 29.1 3) k14 W+ '44)+ 411-R se.I% 1 x1 Rlw o R a! 4;f4 J "k 4%'1 22w1 + d -4- l 4) k1 d 4+4 6I F 4++ >l }- 29, 1Fo1 d l I )+ >}J 74. 6g 411 ] "pggol 4-) QW !I) gm$4 gg4+ cs sF 1v4 xgw ) k' J J4%+1 .%- Hk 20. 3%443".- 18.4%, 4g4- 28.7gAg l&+ -l, lv 4s"J ]e%1IW. ,") 'k'ld 4-Y-4,< 1841'1'l -4441 8.0Fo-] "'- 'k I "14 xI-"-1 1%- 15441 l I-'l m:olic complications showed 2.3% clF thC-.I'" ".I'r.':CJl.l",,""lC$'. Diabetic retinopa.tby ivas diagnosed according to:he ri:.:;3;:scopic finJings and its frequency was r ri liiabe,tic nephropathy had x frequency of 29.1% and diabetic retinopathy was combined in 74. 6% of the patents with nephropathy. 5. Diabetic neuropathy showed 45.5% as their frequency and peripheral polyneuropathy was the most among them. 6, The frequency of infection was 28. 7% and that of macrovascular complication 18. 4%. 7. Diabetic foot lesion had a frequeney of 8. 0% and peripheral polyneuropathy was combined in 83.3% of the patients with the foot lesion. 8. Most of the diabetic complicaions were increased in regard to previous results.
- Changes of Insulin Secretion and Insulin Receptor profile by Short - term Administration of Gliquidone in Non - insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus ( NIDDM )
Sung Woon Kim , Hyun Koo Yoon , In Myoung Yang , Jin Woo Kim , Young Seol Kim , Young Kil Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):35-42.
- 0ne huridred and seventy-one patients with pulmonary tubercuIosis were found in 1,065 patients with diabetes who were diagnosed at National Medical Center from Jan. '71 to Dec. '81. We used 100 cases at random in 171 cases. 1) An incidence of patients with puImonary tuberclosis in patients with diabetes mellitus was 16. 1 percent. Male(72 cases) and Female(28 cases) ratio of the patients was 2.6: 1. The highest incidence was seen in the 6th decade, and the next in 5th decade. 2) Far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis was most common on chest roentgenograms. Cavitation was seen in 46 percent of all cases. 3) There was no correlation between initial fasting bIood sugar and extent of pulmonary tuberculosis on chest roentgenograms. 4) The longer the duration of diabetes mellitus, the higher the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosia But, there was no correlation between tbe duration of diabetes mellitus and the extent of pulmonary tuberculosis on chest roentger.ograms. 5) In pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic patients, the cases of normal renge of WBC was 42% and the cases below the normal range of lymphocyte was 80% of all cases. 6) There was no correlation between control of diabetes mellitua and improvement of pulmonary tubercuIosiis on chest roentgenograma. And the combination of INH, RIF and PZA was most effective, which seemed to be similar in non-diabetic patierits.
- Therapeutic Efficacy of Gliclazide ( Diamicron ) in Non - insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Sung Hee Ihm , Joong Youl park , Byoung Doo Rhee , Sang Jeon Choi , Hong Kyu Lee , Chang Soon Koh , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):43-48.
- The patient was a 42 year old male with diabetes, which was induced apparently by ingestion of Vacar' (RH-787) 2 years ago. As diabetic complication, he has had episodes of intermittent symptomatic hypotension, diarrhea, impotence and anhidrosis. During his admission, his autonomic neuropathy was confirmed by several tests including thc abnormal responae of pulse rate to deep breathing. The insulin treatment was started and the patient experienced recurrent hypaglycemic attack srveral times. After one of hypoglycemic attack, patient developed the acute respiratory failure with respiratoy acidosis without any appreciabe reasons. The incident needed artificial ventilation for 12 days to disappear spontaneously. We emphasize the significance of acute respiratary failure as a spccific feature of autonomic neuropathy,
- Studies on Glucose Intolerance in Normal Pregnancy
Hyun Soo Lee , Wan Ko , Won Kun Park , In Kwon Han , Sun Woo Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):49-55.
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- Serum C - peptide Concentration as an Index of Insulin Treatment in NIDDM Patients
Sang Oh Wee , Doo Man Kim , Sang Kyu Sung , Hyung Joon Yoo
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):57-61.
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- Practical Value of Glucagon Test In the Choice of Treatment in Diabetic Patients
Yong Seong Kim , Yang Kwang Seo , Moo Jong Seol , Youn Sang Oh , Sung Ho Hue , Soon Hyun Shin
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):63-69.
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- A Study on the Trend of Educatee ` s Questionnaire and the Effect of Diabetes Education
O Keum Song , Doo Man Kim , Sang Kyu Sung , Keum Ja Lee , Kyu Sang Kam , Myung Ik Lee , Hyung Joon Yoo
Korean Diabetes J. 1987;11(1):71-75.
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