DMJ, Better than Yesterday, More Brilliant Tomorrow
Article information
Today is always better than yesterday. The Diabetes & Metabolism Journal (DMJ) is keeping up with this motto. As you know, DMJ is the cornerstone for diabetes research in 50 years of Korean Diabetes Association (KDA) history [1]. KDA has published ‘The Journal of Korean Diabetes Association’ in 1972 which is the first version of the official journal. DMJ has been renewed to a new version in 2011 and it is published bimonthly until now. The DMJ was indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in 2017. Apparently, this is totally attributed to your thankful accompany of DMJ. Nowadays, we feel the pressure of increasing amounts of new knowledge. Moreover, we realize that the increased clinical demands have led to a trend of narrowing interests in the general field of diabetology. In order to improve DMJ, we have some assignments to complete; to concern about Impact Factor (IF) of DMJ, to index DMJ in MEDLINE, and determine the policy of the article processing charge etc.
2017 DMJ's IF is 3.710. The matter of IF is always controversial. The inevitable truth is that IF has been used by promotion committees and by study sections as convenient value judgments of the worth of academic faculty and their research. DMJ wants to be supportive to our members' journey of going up the academic ladder. We want to be regarded as the first-choice journal for their best research given our quality and scope. Consequently, we have set a goal to increase our quality but not IFs. We are doing this by our acceptance rate about less than 30%. It will ensure that the general quality of our manuscripts will grow excellently, which means they will be more likely to be cited. It will also diminish the number of articles we publish, which will decrease the bulk of the Journal. This will inevitable increase our IF given this calculation is derived by dividing the number of times our articles are cited by the number of articles published. However, through improving IF, we should wisely sort out the way to increase the number of articles published.
Yet, it is time to apply to MEDLINE because MEDLINE journals have some merits as follows: first, it acquires the brand to be acknowledged by the reviewers of the United States National Library of Medicine Literature Selection Technical Review Committee (LSTRC); second, the Medical Subject heading terms can be added to the abstract in PubMed which enables more specific search results; next, it is automatically added in Scopus databases as MEDLINE-sourced title [2]. Although the third merit is not necessary for the journal, the editors should do their best to add the journal in MEDLINE. We made a new guideline for the preparation of the MEDLINE entry. Interns of the entry, we were particularly concentrated in the ethical issue.
One more thing is that we have made some policy changes. Applied on since January 1, 2019, an article processing charge of $500 will be applicable for articles accepted for publication in the DMJ. We appreciate your cooperation that this is also an inevitable policy to improve the quality of DMJ.
The old has gone, the new has come! DMJ is a new journey every day that we all make together. DMJ will be much better than yesterday and more brilliant in the future.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.