We observed 44 cases of diabetic patients with foot lesions admitted to SNUH during recent 4 years and obtained the following results. 1) The freqancy of diabetic foot lesion ircreased every year, and 86.4% of them were. Over 4p years of age. 2) Among the foot lesions, foot ulcears were the most fraquent and peripheraI polyneuropasthy wae combined in 92.6%.of them 3) The duation of DM was longer, peripheral polyneuropathy was more common, and 3 or more frequeently found in the diabetic foot parients than in the control DM patients. 4)The diabetic foot ulcere were most frequently found under the heeI, and diabetic foot gangrene toes. 5) Over haIf of the patierts requircl surgicaI treatment, and 80% of those surgically treated were improved.