Hallas-Moller has identified three types Oi responses to intermediate acting insulins. These are described ae follows; First, the response of the patient who shows fasting hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic pattern during the day is designated as an A type or transient response. Second, the patient who remains essntially normoglycemic throughout 24 hours period is desi- gnated a B" or normal response. Third, the patient who is hyperglycemic during the day and normal to hypogJycemic at night is designated a C or deIayed response. We studied blood glucose responses to NPH insulin-requiring Korean diabetics of 84 cases. The result were as follows:. 1) Among 84 cases of diabetics iincluded 35 cases of male a,nd 49 cases of femal 2) 69 cases(81.5%) had a B type of blood glucose response to NPR insulin, "A type in 7.6% (6 of 84 cases), C type in 10.7%(9 of 84 caaes). 3) Among 28 cases with diabetics over 10 years, C type was noted in 7.6%,(6 of 84 cases). 0 the other hand, among 27 cases wvitb diabetic in 5 years, C type in 37% ( 1 of 27 cases) Above results show the incidence of C type pettern was highier in the cases with diabetics over 10 years. 4) 4 of 6 cases of A type had a good response by 2:1 splitting of NPIT insulin. .5) 7 of g cases of C type had a good response by the use of 2: 1 combination of NPH and regular insulin.