1Clinical Research Unit, Department of Pharmacy Practice, National Institute of Pharmaceutical and Education Research, Mohali, India.
2Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, UK.
Copyright © 2013 Korean Diabetes Association
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Casellini 1 and Casellini 2 are conference abstracts while Casellini is full text article. NR, not reported; RBX, ruboxistaurin; PL, placebo; TPX, topiramate; FD, fixed dose; DPN, diabetic peripheral neuropathy; NTSS-6, neurological total symptom score (points); NIS (LL), neuropathy impairment score of lower limbs; VDT, vibration detection threshold; SNAP, sural neurological action potential (µv); SkBF, skin microvascular blood flow; QoL, quality of life; NIS, neurological impairment score (points); CGI, clinician global impression; NSS, neuropathy symptom score (points); TNS, total neurological score (points). aSixty-six were assigned to 32 mg/day & 71 to 64 mg/day group, bTPX vs. PL and RBX vs. PL was separately compared, cFixed dose given in mg/day.
PL, placebo; RBX, ruboxistaurin; NTSS-6, neurological total symptom score (points); NR, not reported; VDT, vibration detection threshold; NIS, neurological impairment score (points); NIS (LL), neurological impairment score of lower limbs; NSS, neuropathy symptom score (points); DPN, diabetic peripheral neuropathy. aParticipants age is expressed in years (here mean±standard deviation [SD] is mentioned), except for Boyd (mean±standard error of mean [SEM]) and Casellini (mean±interquartile range [IQR]), bDuration of diabetes is expressed in years (here mean±SD is mentioned), except for Boyd (mean±SEM), cDuration of DPN is expressed in years (here mean±SD is mentioned), except for Boyd (mean±SEM).
NR, not reported; SEM, standard error of mean; IQR, interquartile range. aAt dose of 32 mg/day, bDifference between ruboxistaurin and placebo is mentioned, cValues mentioned are difference between baseline and posttreatment, dRefers to parameter used as a primary end point in that particular study, eValues are expressed in area under the curve×103 blood flow units measured at proximal calf.