Since 1976 when Lee first reported on rodneticide RH-787 intoxication in man,a nuimber of report. On the subjct have been madeboth in Korea and the United States. This papersums up clinical manifestation and outcome of 404 cases of RH-787 intoxication in man reported in the literature. In Korea frorn jauary 1976 through December 1978. 1. RH-787 was mostly ingested for purpooee of suicide : one- third of the patients were in the second decade of age and the female was predominant over the male in ratio of 2 to 1. 2. Neuropathy was the most common manifestation, being present in 82.8% of the patients followed by hyperglycemia (60.6%) and diabetic ketoacidosis (23.3%), 3. Peripheral neuropathy both sensory and motor, was the most common neurological manifestation, follwed by disturbance of sensorium and autonomic dysfunction. 4.The mean mortality of the patient.with RH-787 was 27% ranging from 11.3% to 83.3% apparently increasing with passage of time because of progreasive malnutrition and complications. 5. Patholoigical findlings descbribed in four patients were nercrosis of. Langerhan's istet of the pancreas and of f tubular epithelium of the kidney.