Diabetes has a critical effect on elderly diabetic patients' quality of life. Elderly diabetic patients have many difficulties in diabetes self-management because their physical, psychological and social functions are decreased as a result of the aging process. Therefore, we evaluated the current status of self-management and barriers in elderly diabetic patients METHODS: The sample was 124 elderly diabetic patients (over 61 years) who visited a hospital and two senior welfare centers in Seoul from July to August 2006. The results of the study were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, T-test, and hierarchical regression. RESULTS: 1) Diabetes self-management was composed of insulin injection, diet, exercise, foot management, smoking and drinking alcohol. An average score of self-management in the elderly diabetic patients was 4.5784. In demographic variables, only job status showed a significant effect on self-management. 2) Barriers such as 'forgetting taking diet and medication', 'being interrupted by others', and 'lack of family and social support' were significant factors in diabetes self-management. 3) These barriers for diabetes self-management were still significant in the case of controlling demographic and clinical variables. CONCLUSION: Diabetic educator should identify the significant factors that affect patient's self-management such as whether they have a full-time job, or the type of their job. In addition, diabetes education should focus on assertiveness training to deal with various interpersonal barriers and empowerment for enhancing patient's self-efficacy. These approaches would benefit patients who experience barriers of diabetes self-management
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