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Original Article Interleukin-6 polymorphism in Korean Obese and Type 2 Diabetic Subjects.
Jae Taek Kim, Seung Jin Choi, Mi Kyung Lee, Ae Ja Park, Yeon Sahng Oh, Soon Hyun Shin
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 2001;25(5):337-342
Published online: October 1, 2001
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1Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Clinical Pathology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
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Interleukin (IL)-6 is produced by many different cell types, including adipose tissue, and the release is greater in obese subjects. Recently, it has been reported that polymorphism in the 5' flanking region of the IL-6 gene may contribute to the insulin resistance and lipid abnormality. However, there are limited number of studies reported on the relationship between IL-6 polymorphism and insulin resistance syndrome. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the relationships among this polymorphism, obesity and diabetes in Korean subjects. METHODS: We examined a total of 177 Korean individuals, including 113 type 2 diabetic subjects. Sixty-three subjects were non-obese diabetics (age; 56.4+/-9.8 yr, body mass index (BMI); 22.5+/-1.7 kg/m2), 50 of them were obese diabetic subjects (age; 54.8+/-10.7 yr, BMI; 27.6+/-2.2 kg/m2), and 64 were overweight or obese subjects (age; 49.1+/-11.4 yr, BMI; 25.4 1.5 kg/m2). We evaluated IL-6 gene polymorphism using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. RESULTS: There were 176 GG (99.4%), 1 GC (0.56%) and 0 CC (0%) individuals, and the allele frequencies were 99.7% for G and 0.28% for C. Allele frequencies of C in obese diabetic subjects were 1.02%. The frequency of C allele was substantially lower than that reported in Caucasian. CONCLUSION: This results suggest that the IL-6 polymorphism is not associated with obesity nor diabetes in Korean subjects.

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    Interleukin-6 polymorphism in Korean Obese and Type 2 Diabetic Subjects.
    Korean Diabetes J. 2001;25(5):337-342.   Published online October 1, 2001
Related articles
Kim JT, Choi SJ, Lee MK, Park AJ, Oh YS, Shin SH. Interleukin-6 polymorphism in Korean Obese and Type 2 Diabetic Subjects.. Diabetes Metab J. 2001;25(5):337-342.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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