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Safety and Efficacy of Modern Insulin Analogues
Hye Jin Yoo, Keun Yong Park, Kang Seo Park, Kyu Jeung Ahn, Kyung Wan Min, Jeong Hyun Park, Sang Ah Chang, Bong Soo Cha, Dong-Jun Kim, Yong Seong Kim, Tae Keun Oh, Suk Chon, Il Seong Nam-Goong, Mi Jin Kim, Hye-Soon Kim, Young Sik Choi, You Hern Ahn, Sora Lee, Sei Hyun Baik
Diabetes Metab J. 2013;37(3):181-189.   Published online June 14, 2013
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A1chieve® was a noninterventional study evaluating the clinical safety and efficacy of biphasic insulin aspart 30, insulin detemir, and insulin aspart.


Korean type 2 diabetes patients who have not been treated with the study insulin or have started it within 4 weeks before enrollment were eligible for the study. The patient selection and the choice of regimen were at the discretion of the physician. The safety and efficacy information was collected from the subjects at baseline, week 12, and week 24. The number of serious adverse drug reactions (SADRs) was the primary endpoint. The changes of clinical diabetic markers at week 12 and/or at week 24 compared to baseline were the secondary endpoints.


Out of 4,058 exposed patients, 3,003 completed the study. During the study period, three SADRs were reported in three patients (0.1%). No major hypoglycemic episodes were observed and the rate of minor hypoglycemic episodes marginally decreased during 24 weeks (from 2.77 to 2.42 events per patient-year). The overall quality of life score improved (from 66.7±15.9 to 72.5±13.5) while the mean body weight was slightly increased (0.6±3.0 kg). The 24-week reductions in glycated hemoglobin, fasting plasma glucose and postprandial plasma glucose were 1.6%±2.2%, 2.5±4.7 mmol/L, and 4.0±6.4 mmol/L, respectively.


The studied regimens showed improvements in glycemic control with low incidence of SADRs, including no incidence of major hypoglycemic episodes in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Insulin therapy for adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a position statement of the Korean Diabetes Association, 2017
    Byung-Wan Lee, Jin Hwa Kim, Seung-Hyun Ko, Kyu Yeon Hur, Nan-Hee Kim, Sang Youl Rhee, Hyun Jin Kim, Min Kyong Moon, Seok-O Park, Kyung Mook Choi
    The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine.2017; 32(6): 967.     CrossRef
  • Insulin Therapy for Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Position Statement of the Korean Diabetes Association, 2017
    Byung-Wan Lee, Jin Hwa Kim, Seung-Hyun Ko, Kyu-Yeon Hur, Nan-Hee Kim, Sang Youl Rhee, Hyun Jin Kim, Min Kyong Moon, Seok-O Park, Kyung Mook Choi
    Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2017; 41(5): 367.     CrossRef
  • An information and communication technology-based centralized clinical trial to determine the efficacy and safety of insulin dose adjustment education based on a smartphone personal health record application: a randomized controlled trial
    Gyuri Kim, Ji Cheol Bae, Byoung Kee Yi, Kyu Yeon Hur, Dong Kyung Chang, Moon-Kyu Lee, Jae Hyeon Kim, Sang-Man Jin
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Characteristics Predictive for a Successful Switch from Insulin Analogue Therapy to Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
    Gyuri Kim, Yong-ho Lee, Eun Seok Kang, Bong-Soo Cha, Hyun Chul Lee, Byung-Wan Lee
    Yonsei Medical Journal.2016; 57(6): 1395.     CrossRef
  • Avoiding or coping with severe hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes
    Jae-Seung Yun, Seung-Hyun Ko
    The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine.2015; 30(1): 6.     CrossRef
  • Clinical Characteristics of Patients Responding to Once-Daily Basal Insulin Therapy in Korean Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes
    Sun Ok Song, You-Cheol Hwang, Kyu-Jeung Ahn, Bong Soo Cha, Young Duk Song, Dae Wook Lee, Byung-Wan Lee
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    Diabetic Medicine.2014; 31(1): 68.     CrossRef
  • The glycemic efficacies of insulin analogue regimens according to baseline glycemic status in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes: sub‐analysis from the A 1 chieve ® study
    Y.‐C. Hwang, J. G. Kang, K. J. Ahn, B. S. Cha, S.‐H. Ihm, S. Lee, M. Kim, B.‐W. Lee
    International Journal of Clinical Practice.2014; 68(11): 1338.     CrossRef
  • Letter: Efficacy and Safety of Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30/70 in Type 2 Diabetes Suboptimally Controlled on Oral Antidiabetic Therapy in Korea: A Multicenter, Open-Label, Single-Arm Study (Diabetes Metab J2013;37:117-24)
    Byung-Wan Lee
    Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2013; 37(3): 212.     CrossRef
Relationship between Chemerin Levels and Cardiometabolic Parameters and Degree of Coronary Stenosis in Korean Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Yu-Jin Hah, Nam-Keong Kim, Mi-Kyung Kim, Hye-Soon Kim, Seung-Ho Hur, Hyuck-Jun Yoon, Yoon-Nyun Kim, Keun-Gyu Park
Diabetes Metab J. 2011;35(3):248-254.   Published online June 30, 2011
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AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader   

Chemerin is a novel adipokine that is associated with inflammation and adipogenesis. However, it remains unclear whether chemerin is involved in patients with cardiovascular disease. We investigated whether the serum chemerin levels of Korean patients with coronary artery disease correlated with specific cardiometabolic parameters.


In total, 131 patients, all of whom had coronary artery stenosis exceeding 50%, participated in this study. Their serum chemerin levels and cardiometabolic parameters were measured. The serum chemerin levels of two groups of patients were compared; those with one stenotic vessel (n=68) and those with multiple stenotic vessels, including left main coronary artery disease (n=63).


Serum chemerin levels correlated positively with the degree of coronary artery stenosis and fasting glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high sensitive C-reactive protein levels. The group with multiple stenotic vessels, including left main disease, had higher chemerin levels than the group with one stenotic vessel (t=-2.129, P=0.035). Multiple binary logistic regression showed chemerin was not an independent risk factor of multiple vessel disease (odds ratio, 1.018; confidence interval, 0.997 to 1.040; P=0.091).


Serum chemerin levels have a significant correlation with several cardiometabolic risk factors and the degree of coronary artery stenosis in Korean patients with coronary artery disease. However, multiple binary logistic regression showed chemerin was not an independent risk factor of multiple vessel disease. Additional investigations are necessary to fully elucidate the role of chemerin in cardiovascular disease.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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    Biomedicines.2022; 10(11): 2970.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin in inflammatory diseases
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    Clinica Chimica Acta.2021; 517: 41.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin activity in selected pathological states of human body – A systematic review
    Magdalena Acewicz, Irena Kasacka
    Advances in Medical Sciences.2021; 66(2): 270.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin in atherosclerosis
    Jia-Xiang Sun, Chi Zhang, Zhe-Bin Cheng, Mu-Yao Tang, Yi-Zhang Liu, Jie-Feng Jiang, Xuan Xiao, Liang Huang
    Clinica Chimica Acta.2021; 520: 8.     CrossRef
  • Serum Chemerin Concentration Is Associated with Proinflammatory Status in Chronic Coronary Syndrome
    Anna Szpakowicz, Malgorzata Szpakowicz, Magda Lapinska, Marlena Paniczko, Slawomir Lawicki, Andrzej Raczkowski, Marcin Kondraciuk, Emilia Sawicka, Malgorzata Chlabicz, Marcin Kozuch, Maciej Poludniewski, Slawomir Dobrzycki, Irina Kowalska, Karol Kaminski
    Biomolecules.2021; 11(8): 1149.     CrossRef
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    Rezvan Amiri, Mohammad Reza Tabandeh, Seyed Ahmad Hosseini
    Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia.2021; 117(4): 715.     CrossRef
  • The role of adipokines in the regulation of cardiovascular function
    A. V. Karpushev, V. B. Mikhailova
    "Arterial’naya Gipertenziya" ("Arterial Hypertension").2020; 25(5): 448.     CrossRef
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    Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.2018; 38(7): 1656.     CrossRef
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    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.2018; 75: 59.     CrossRef
  • Relationship between serum chemerin levels and insulin resistance index and cardio–respiratory function in non–active obese and lean men
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    Yonsei Medical Journal.2017; 58(2): 319.     CrossRef
  • The comparison of chemerin, adiponectin and lipid profile indices in obese and non-obese adolescents
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  • Chemerin processing in the myocardium: A mechanism in search of a function
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    Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology.2016; 100: 21.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin as an independent predictor of cardiovascular event risk
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    Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism.2016; 7(2): 57.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin level in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and its relation with disease severity and neonatal outcomes
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    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2016; : 1.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin in renal dysfunction and cardiovascular disease
    Mario Bonomini, Assunta Pandolfi
    Vascular Pharmacology.2016; 77: 28.     CrossRef
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  • Evaluation of the salivary levels of visfatin, chemerin, and progranulin in periodontal inflammation
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    Clinical Oral Investigations.2015; 19(4): 921.     CrossRef
  • Elevated serum chemerin in Chinese women with hyperandrogenic PCOS
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  • The predictive value of the first-trimester maternal serum chemerin level for pre-eclampsia
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  • Towards an integrative approach to understanding the role of chemerin in human health and disease
    J. L. Rourke, H. J. Dranse, C. J. Sinal
    Obesity Reviews.2013; 14(3): 245.     CrossRef
  • The association between chemerin and homeostasis assessment of insulin resistance at baseline and after weight reduction via lifestyle modifications in young obese adults
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  • Chemerin: a potential endocrine link between obesity and type 2 diabetes
    Alexandra A. Roman, Sebastian D. Parlee, Christopher J. Sinal
    Endocrine.2012; 42(2): 243.     CrossRef
  • Elastase and Tryptase Govern TNFα-Mediated Production of Active Chemerin by Adipocytes
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    PLoS ONE.2012; 7(12): e51072.     CrossRef
  • Potential association between coronary artery disease and the inflammatory biomarker YKL-40 in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Hyun Min Kim, Byung-Wan Lee, Young-Mi Song, Won Jin Kim, Hyuk-Jae Chang, Dong-Hoon Choi, Hee Tae Yu, EunSeok Kang, Bong Soo Cha, Hyun Chul Lee
    Cardiovascular Diabetology.2012;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Qun Yan, Yifei Zhang, Jie Hong, Weiqiong Gu, Meng Dai, Juan Shi, Ying Zhai, Weiqing Wang, Xiaoying Li, Guang Ning
    Endocrine.2012; 41(2): 281.     CrossRef
  • Epidemiology of Micro- and Macrovascular Complications of Type 2 Diabetes in Korea
    Jung Hee Kim, Dae Jung Kim, Hak Chul Jang, Sung Hee Choi
    Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2011; 35(6): 571.     CrossRef
  • Chemerin: A Novel Link between Inflammation and Atherosclerosis?
    Eun-Jung Rhee
    Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2011; 35(3): 216.     CrossRef

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