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Volume 7(1); 1983
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Is Diabetes Curable ?
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):1-3.
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The Urinary C - Peptide Excretion in Diabetic Patient
Si Young Kim , Tae Won Lee , Jin Woo Kim , Young Seol Kim , Kyung Sam Cho , Kwang Won Kim , Sun Woo Kim , Young Kil Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):5-11.
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A Study on the kinetics of Glucose Insulin and C - Peptide after Glucose loading in Non Insulin Dependent Diabetics
Suck Hee Yu , Hong Kyu Lee , Soo Bong Choi , Hun Ki Min , Eung Jei Woo , Jang Hyun Yoon , Byung Koo Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):13-33.
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Clinical Value of Reading Dextrostix on a Meter after Different Time Intervals
H . Y . Son
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):35-39.
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A Clinical Significance of Hemoglobin A1C Levels in Diabetics
Choong Gyu Lee , Jong Hwa Kim , Hong Soon Lee , Chong Suk Lee , Hak Choong Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):41-48.
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Comparison Between the Current Food Exchange System and the Food Exchange System Using ` 100 Calorie - exchange Unit ` in the Effect of Education and Pratical Application
Hyung Joon Yoo , O Keum Song , Eung Jin Kim , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):49-53.
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The patterns of Response of Plasma Glucose to Singie Injection of Intermediate acting Insulin in Korean Insulin - Requiring Diabetics
Yoon Mo Yang , Chang Seoup Shin , Eung Jin Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):55-59.
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Effect of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Delivery System on Insulin Sensitivity in type I Diabetes Mellitus
H . K . Min , S . B . Choi , H . K .Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):61-64.
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A Clinical Study in Patients with Diabetic Gangrene
Kap Bum Huh , Seung Min Kim , Woo Ik Chang , Joo Young Yang , Sung Kyu Ha , Soo Kon Lee , Hyean Chul Lee , Chein Soo Hong , Sang Yong Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):65-70.
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A Survey on the Knowledge of Diabetes in Non - Diabeties
Yong Ku Oh , Lee Young Kim , Yeun Kyung Ma , Bo Wan Kim , young Gil yun
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):71-76.
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A Clinical Observation on the Complications of Diabetes mellitus
Moon kyu Lee , Yung Whan Jung , Am Woo Won , Kee Up Lee , Soo Bong Choi , Sung Yun Kim , Hong Kyu Lee , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):77-84.
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Serum Iipids Ievel and lipoprotein patterns were studied in 70 nornal Korcans and 314 Korean diabetic patients to observe the effects of age, blood sugar level, duratian of diabetes, vasculer complications, body weight, family histiory and treatment for excellent control on serum lipids and lipoprotein: patterns. The results are summarized as follws: 1) The mean values of serum lipids exccpt phospholipid in Kcrean diabetic patients, which were 209.0 +- 47.9 mg% for cholesterol, 117. 3 +-42.6mg% for phosphoIpid, 162.8 +- 9.1mg% for triglyceride and 604.6+-143.8mg% for total lipid were highier significantly than the mean values in normal Korean, which were 182.2 +-45.4mg%,, 173. 7+-40. 9mg%, 118.9+-30.2mg% and 520.3+-149.3mg% respectively. 2) The mean values of serum lipoprotein patterns in Korean diabetic patienit.s, which were 38. 4+- 10.7%.for a-lipoprotein, 14. 7+- 6.9% for pre- b-lipopratein and 46.7 +- 10. 4%, for b-lipoprotein were not different from the mean values in normaI Korean, which were 40.9+-8.4%, 12.4+-3.9% and 46.9+-7.2% respectively. 3) The serum lipids levels of Korean diabetic patients were influenced by age, bIood sugar level, duration of diabetes, body weight and vascular complications, but not by family histroy and treatment methods control of diabetes. 4) ln diabetic patienst with higher blood sugar level or overweight, there was decrease in a-lipopretein .fraction and incresse in pre-b-lipoprotein, though no significant difference in serum lipoprotein patterns were present.
Clinical Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Diabetic patients
Hyung Joon Yoo , Suk Mo Koo , Hong Soon Lee , Nam Soo Rhu , Jae Won Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):85-90.
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The purpose of the preserit rcport is to analyse the significance of the insulin response and the insulinogenic index to oral glucose loads in normal and diabetic subjects. In this study, plasma insulin was determined by means of radioimmunonssay and insulinogenic index was obtaineel by dividing plasma insulin enhancement above fasting value be corresponding net of increase of blood glucose in 116 patients, The one hundred-sixteen patients included 13 nonobese and 7 obese normal subject:.36 nobese and 18 obese maderate diabetic patient and 42 severe. Diabetic patients. The results were as follows: 1)The plasma insulin level in l3 nonobese normal subjects were 14.0+-2. 8, 44.9+- 7.5, 37.9 +-5.1, and 24.8+- 3.2,U/ml (Mean +- S.E.) at fasting staie and at .30, 60, 90, and 120 min after oral glucose load, with a peak value at. 30. Min. 2) in 7 obese normal subjects the plasma insulin concentratiorn were 32. 7 +-8. 6. 81.8+-15.4, 74.8+-15.0. 53.0+-12.7 and 46.3+- 10.8pU/ml which were greater responses than nonobese ones. 3), ln 36 nonobes moderate diabetics patient. The plasma insulin were 19.8 +-2,2 ,39.5+- 2.6, 42.9+-3.3, 39.8+-4.2 and 29.8+-4.0 ,U/ml. There were little significance compared to nonobese normal control but slighitly delayed response was demonstrated. 4) Theplasma insulin concentration in 8 obese moderated dlabetics were 22.3+-2.8, 73.2+-11.0, 94.8 +-14.7, 60.5+-8, and 50.8+-5.8 'U/ml with greater than that of nonobese moderate dlabetics. 5) In 42 severe dlabetic subjects, plasma insulin level were 6.8+-1.0, 12.2+-1.1, 15.5+-1.4, 14.9+-1.8 and 11.5+-0.2,U/ml with significantly reduced response. 6) The inisuinogenie index at 30,60,90 and 120 min after glucose loads were 0.65+-0.11, 0.67+-0.17 ,0.93+-0.20 and 1.27 +- 0.20, in nonobse normal subjects, 0.22+-0.03, 0.23+-0.03, 0.21+-0.03 and in nonobse moderate diabetic and 0.05+- 0 01. 0.08+-0.01. 0.06+-0.01 and 0.06+-0.01 in severe diabetics. There were significant differnces between each groups of patient of patients magnitude of insulngenic index regardles of body weight especially at 90 min.
A Case of Acute Respiratory Faiiure Developed Abruptly in a Diabetic patient with Severe Neuropathy
Ki Up Lee , Moon Kyu Lee , Sung Yun Kim , Hong Kyu Lee , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1983;7(1):91-95.
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Thirty-two cases of diabetic ketoacidosis, experienced in St. Marys Hospital, the Catholic 54edical Center, over 7 years periad fs"om Jan. I, l971 to Dec. 31, 1977, were analyzed retrospectively. The following results were obtained. The incidence was 3. 4% of the totaJ diabetic admission during the period, higher than in 1960s 2. The most frequant precipitating factor was infection, pneumonia being predominant. 3. The average fluid and electrolyte administred within th first 24 hours were 5,400ml of water, 482 mEq of Na, 495mKq of Cl, and 46 mEq of K. And the average dose of insulin administred within 24 hours was I10. 3 units. 4. 7 cases were dead, mortality being 21. 9%. Factors contributing to death were hypoglycemia, hypovolemia, and hyperosmolarity. Respiratory acidosis in diabetic ketosis was very serious prognostic factor. 5. As eompared with the result in 1960s, smaller dose of insulin was given but hypoglycemia was stil! Experienced.This suggests that f'urther reductiaa. In insuIin dosage iis required.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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