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- Volume 5(1); 1979
- Epidemiological Studies on Diabetes Mellitus in Korea
Sam Yong Kim , Youn Bok Chang , Hong kyu lee , Young Kun Kim , Eung Jin Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1979;5(1):1-7.
- Nineteen cases of intixication of RH-787 (N-3-pyridylmethyl-N-p-nitrophenylirea), a new class of rodenticide, were analyzed cIinicalIy and the result.; were as follows. 1. Clinical symptoms, physicaI findings, laboratory findings of 19 case and autopsy findings of one case of RH-787 intoxication showd similar findings of streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus. 2. Clinical symptoms and physical finding could be summarized as nausea, vomiting, epigastric tenderness, drowsy mental state, mydriasis, and urinary retention. 3.All cases examined showed abnormal findings such as glycosuria, ketanuria, hyperglycemia, increased BUN and creatinine level increaeed amylase level and leucocytosis. 4. Plasrnna insulin levels were decreased in aIl cases of 6 patients. An autopsy was done in one case, which revealed fatty change of liver, destructive changes of Langerhsan's island of panereas and acute tubular necrosis of kidney. 6.Overall mortality including two cases of moribund disharge was 75%.
- Status of Rodenticide RH - 787 Intoxication in Korea
Min Jung Kim , Byung Kee Bang , Byong Sok Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1979;5(1):9-12.
- Among 1648 patients diagnosed as diabetes in our diabetic clinic, Seoul National university Hospital for last l3 years (1957~1969). 56,4% had one or more complications. As the main complications, neuropathy was found in 331 (20,1%) of tatal patients, retinopathy in 89(5.4%) nephropathy Including.albuminuria in 204 (12.4%) and cardiovascular insufficioncy including hypertension in 389(23.6%), There were,321 (19.5%) diabetics complicated with infection, 180(10.9%) of whom were pulmonay tubrculosis. Ketoacidosis was found in 12 (0.7%) cataract in 47 (2.9%) and liver cirrhosis in 41(2.5%). Through more detailed observation on 826 diabetics with complications, we found that these complications had some relationship with patient's fasting blood sugar level. The duration of diabetes had more significant relationship with the complications; the complications were found in 52.4% of the patiensts suffering for less than 3 years, 77.4 % for 3 to 10years and 95.5% for over 10 years. It might be conclued that the duratian plays an important role in inducing complication to the diabetic patients.
- Measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid Glucose by Dextrostix Reflectance Meter
Tai Hee Lee , Jae Won Rho
Korean Diabetes J. 1979;5(1):13-15.
- Two thound and eight hundred and ninety cases of diabetes mellitus who were admitted to 7 hospitals in Korea from March 1952 to August 1975 were analysed and the following results were obtained. 1.during the same period, the total inpatients were 342,948, giving an overall incidence of the diabetes mellitus 0.84%. The male patients dominated the female by the ratio of 1.9 to 1. The peak. Incidence occurred in 6th decade. 2. Prabable precipitating factor of diabetes mellitus were obesity(19,3%) heredity(9.0%) and infection (5. 2%) in order of frequency. The precipitatinig factors could not be elicted in 61.5% . Common symptons of the onset of the. Diabetes mellitus were thirst (43.02%) polyuria (37.18%) and weakness(32.86%) 4.The mild fastinng hyperglycemia'(less than 150mg%) were seen in 38.3% of diabetics. 5. The hypercholesterolemla (over 200 mg%) were seen in 47.6% of diabetics. 6. The associated complications.of the diabetes mellitus were infection (30.47%) , neuropathy (28.88%) and hypertension (22.67%) The diabetic coma encounatered in 1.92%.
- Knowledge and Attitude of Diabetics toward Their Illness
Kyung Hoon Han , Sam Ryeon Yoo , Young Gil Yun
Korean Diabetes J. 1979;5(1):17-24.
- Two cases cf diabetic osteoarthropathy were presented. One case of 26 year-old male has history of diabetes for 5 years and skin trouble of gangrene on the left foot for 2 months accomplanied by osteoporosis and irregular destructive changes in 3rd, 4th and 5th metatarsophaIangeal joint of the left foot, Another case of 51 year old male has been treated with oral hypoglycemic agent and insulin at home for 10 years. And he has many eompheations of diabetes including cataract, pulminary tuberculosis, retinopathy, orthostatic hypotension, gangrene, dermopathy of necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, and osteoarthropathy. Bone and joints involvement included amputation of 3rd and 5th metataral bones of left foot., diffuse. Osteoporosis and bony absorptive change of both feet and deformity of acromion processes with osteoparotic change and deformed head of the right cIavicle.
- Epidemiological Studies on Diabetes Mellitus in Korea , V Changing pattern of Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in Hospital Patients
Eung Jin Kim , Hong kyu Lee , Soo Bong Choi , Young Kun Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1979;5(1):25-32.
- Hyperglycemic, hyperosmoIar, nonketotic diabetic coma is a medical emergency chariacterized by extreme serum hyperosmolarity, hyperglycemia, and dehydration in the absence of ketosis and acidosis. The syndrome is usually developed in patient.; of old age with no history of diabetes mellitus or with mild addult-onset diabetes. We experienced one case of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma in 65yr old Korean female patient who was admitted to this hospital on Feb 14, 1975 because of comstous mentalily. She has been diabetic for 6yrs but has been received only irregular treatrnent with orai hypaglycemic agents. On admission the blood pressure was 110/80 mmHg, blood glucose concentratinn 510 mg/dl, BUN 50 mg/dl, WBC 18350/cu mm, hemoglobin 14,0 gm/dl, hematocrit 42%, plasma osmolaarity 342 mOsm per kg H,O, plasma acetone negative, serum Na 146 mEq/L, Cl 102 mEq/L CO, combining power 42 volume% urinalysis revealed sugar 4+, acetone Negaitve. The diagnosis was consfirmed by clinical manifestation and biochemical studies. During the course of treatrnent with 0. 45% NaCl and regular insulin her mentality started to iniprove in 10 hrs after admission and was completely recovered in 18 hrs after admissian.
- The progression of the Korean Latent Chemical Diabetics
Kyung Hoon Han , Young Gil Yun
Korean Diabetes J. 1979;5(1):33-37.
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