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Volume 13(1); 1989
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The Effect of Dietary Fish Oil on the Development of Multiple Low - dose Streptozotocin - Induced Diabetes in Rats
Byoung Doo Rhee , Seong Yeun Kim , Bo Youn Cho , Hong Kyu Lee , Chang Soon Koh , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):1-8.
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Reflotest" and Haemo-Glnkotest", two strip methods for determining blood glucose, were compared with the standard laboratory autoanalyser method(Technicon SMA). 1) Lahoratory serum glucose values showed excellent overall correlation with Reflotest". (r= 0. 96) 2) Laboratory serum glucose valuee had relatively good correlation with Haemo-Glukotest (r= 0,9) 3)RefIotest" and Haemo-Glukotest" ara useful methods for home blood gIucose monitoring.
Islet Cell Surface Antibodies in Korean Diabetics
Dong Hun Cha , Kwan Woo Lee , Hyurk Woo Lee , Yong Wook Cho , Yoo Lee Kim , Kyung Rae Kim , Hyun Chul Lee , Kap Bum Huh
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):9-14.
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We evaluated the heart rate changes induced by single maximal breathing in 125 normal subjects in the age range 17--73 years. Test results declined with age Log-transformation was used to construct an age-related normal range and its diagnostic value was investigated in 82 diabetics(age 16-72 years) with or without autonomic neuropathy. Only 1 of 24 diabetic patients with typical symptoms of autonomic neuropathy scored above the lower limit of normal range. Even in the 58 patients without any symptom of autonomic neuropathy, IR were in the range of autonomic neuropathy. Measurement of tbis age-dependent heart rate changes during single maximal breathing provides a simple and accurat diagnostic screen for diabetic autonomic neuropathy
Circulating form of IGF and Insulin in Human Serum
Tae Wha Kim , Mok Hyun Kim , Jeh Hoon Shin
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):15-19.
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To evaluate the exocrine fnnction of the pancrea in diabetics, we measured the serum a- amylase, pancratic and salivary isoamylase activtty in 20 diabetics. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The mean serum a-amylase activity and pancreatic isoamylas activity were not differed between normal control and diabetics(p< 0.5, P* < 0. 5). 2) There was no significant correlatian between the duration of illness and serum pancreatic isoamyiase activity in diabetics (correlation coefficient 0.15, p<0.05). And there was slight positive correlation 'between the fasting blood, sugar level and the serum pancreatic isoamylase activity without statistical significance(correlation coefficient 0.36, p<0.5) 3) The serum a-amylase activity of the patint with diabetic ketoacidosis was much higher than that of normal control or other diabetics, and that was mainly due to elevation of the serum salivary isoamylase activity. These results suggest that the pancreatic exacrine function. Determined by serum isoamylase activity was normal in diabetics. .
The Effects of Captopril on Heavy Proteinuria in Diabetic Patients
Do Joon Park , Kyong Soo Park , Byoung Doo Rhee , Won Bae Kim , Seong Yeun Kim , Bo Yeun Cho , Hong Kyu Lee , Chang Soon Koh , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):21-27.
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It is known that the pattern of plasrna gbicose reaponse to a single dose of interrnediateacting insulin in exogenous isulin requiring patients froim normaI to delayed, transient and unstable responses according to the individual patients as welI as to this coursa of diabetes. Therefore, there are some difference in the methods of insulin injection depending upon the patterns of he plasma glucose responses. Someone requires aplitting of intermediate-acting insuIin and others a combination off intermrdiate acting and short- acting insulin, We reviewed plasma glucose responses and the therapeutic effects in 224 cases of insulinrequring Korean diabetice with the following reaults:
The Absorption of Insulin after Subcutaneous Injection into Different Regions and Effect of Leg Exercise on Insulin Absorption in Diabetic Patients
Tae Gyoo Ahn , Kyung Joon Kim , Chung Gu Cho
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):29-34.
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Hallas-Moller has identified three types Oi responses to intermediate acting insulins. These are described ae follows; First, the response of the patient who shows fasting hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic pattern during the day is designated as an A type or transient response. Second, the patient who remains essntially normoglycemic throughout 24 hours period is desi- gnated a B" or normal response. Third, the patient who is hyperglycemic during the day and normal to hypogJycemic at night is designated a C or deIayed response. We studied blood glucose responses to NPH insulin-requiring Korean diabetics of 84 cases. The result were as follows:. 1) Among 84 cases of diabetics iincluded 35 cases of male a,nd 49 cases of femal 2) 69 cases(81.5%) had a B type of blood glucose response to NPR insulin, "A type in 7.6% (6 of 84 cases), C type in 10.7%(9 of 84 caaes). 3) Among 28 cases with diabetics over 10 years, C type was noted in 7.6%,(6 of 84 cases). 0 the other hand, among 27 cases wvitb diabetic in 5 years, C type in 37% ( 1 of 27 cases) Above results show the incidence of C type pettern was highier in the cases with diabetics over 10 years. 4) 4 of 6 cases of A type had a good response by 2:1 splitting of NPIT insulin. .5) 7 of g cases of C type had a good response by the use of 2: 1 combination of NPH and regular insulin.
The Effect of Amylase on the Measurement of Urinary C - peptide
Il Hwan Do , Soo Bong Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):35-38.
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A prospective study was performed on 300 cases of diabetes mellitus, admitted to severance hospital over a period of 20 months from November 1981 to June 1983, and the followiing results were obtained. 1) Among 300 cases, the 6th decade of age was 38. 7% , 7 th decade 23. 6%, 5 th decade 23. 0% 8 th decade 11.3% 4th decade 5,7%, and less than 2nd decade 2. 7%. 2) Diabetic neuropathy was the most common among chronic complications (54. 6%). Prevalence of neuropathy progressively increased from a value of less than 40%, within 4 years of diabetes to more than 80% after 15 years of the disease. 3) Overall prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 42.6%. Prevalence of retinopathy increased with the duration of the disease, being 21, 6%, after zero to 4 years, 50% for 5 to 9 years and 100% for more than 20 years. 4.) Overall prevalence of neuropathy was 15.1%. Prevalence of nephropathy increased with the duation of the disease, being 3. 9% after zero to 4 years, 13. 3% for 5 to 9 years and 72.2% for 20 to 24 years. 5) Other comylications of diabetes mellitus were cataract (26.7%), hypertension (24.7%), infection (11.7% tuberculosis 7.0%), hyperosmolar nonke- totic coma (5.3%), gangrene (2,3%) and ketoa- cidosis (2.3"%)
A Clinical Study on the Diabetic Foot Lesions
Yong Joon Kwon , Kyung Ah Han , Sang Kyu Sung , Hyung Joon Yoo
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):39-45.
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We observed 44 cases of diabetic patients with foot lesions admitted to SNUH during recent 4 years and obtained the following results. 1) The freqancy of diabetic foot lesion ircreased every year, and 86.4% of them were. Over 4p years of age. 2) Among the foot lesions, foot ulcears were the most fraquent and peripheraI polyneuropasthy wae combined in 92.6%.of them 3) The duation of DM was longer, peripheral polyneuropathy was more common, and 3 or more frequeently found in the diabetic foot parients than in the control DM patients. 4)The diabetic foot ulcere were most frequently found under the heeI, and diabetic foot gangrene toes. 5) Over haIf of the patierts requircl surgicaI treatment, and 80% of those surgically treated were improved.
A Case of Diabetic Scleredema
J . H . Park , K . C . Lee , K . W . Lee , S . K . Lim , K . B . Huh
Korean Diabetes J. 1989;13(1):47-50.
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165 patients with diabetes mellitus were found in 1748 CVA patients who were admitted in SNUH from 1978 to 1982. To know the characteristics of stroke occuring in diabetic patients and to clarify the pathogeneti.c rrechanisms invaived in high morhidity and mor tality found in these patients, we studied 130 cases nt random in 165 cases. Diabetiic patients had hig- her prevalence of cerebral infarction and showed higher mortality than the nondiabetic patients. Preaence of microvascular complicatior. Seems to be an important determinant of prognosis in these patients. Hyperosrnolarity occur frequently in diabetic patients with strok, and make an important complication in these patients.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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