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- Volume 12(2); 1988
- A Newer Method for Isolation of Rat Pancreatic Islets by Ductal Injection of Collagenase
Ki Up Lee , Sung Hee Ihm , Moon Kyu Lee , Byoung Doo Rhee , Hong Kyu Lee , Chang Soon Koh , Hun Ki Min
Korean Diabetes J. 1988;12(2):147-152.
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- Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphism ( RFLP ) of Insulin Receptor Gene in NIDDM
Sung Woon Kim , In Myung Yang , Jin Woo Kim , Young Seol Kim , Kwang Won Kim , Young Kil Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1988;12(2):153-158.
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- Effect of Metformin in Patients with NIDDM
Young Joon Kim , Eun Jig Lee , Kwan Woo Lee , Sung Kil Lim , Hyun Chul Lee , Kap Bum Huh
Korean Diabetes J. 1988;12(2):167-173.
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- The Effect of Moderate Execrise on Blood Glucose , Free Fatty Acid , Insulin and Counter - Regulatory Hormones in TypeⅡ Diabetic Patients
Moon Ho Lee , Sung Woon Kim , In Myoung Yang , Jin Woo Kim , Young Seol Kim , Kwang Won Kim , Young Kill Choi
Korean Diabetes J. 1988;12(2):175-185.
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- A Study for Clinical Significance of Urinary C - Peptide
Soo Bong Choi , Ihn Ho Cho , Jung Gyu Choi , Sung Chul Yun
Korean Diabetes J. 1988;12(2):193-200.
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- Analysis of Group Diabetes Education in Korea
O Keum Song , Hye Young Park , Hyung Joon Yoo , Young Gil Yoon
Korean Diabetes J. 1988;12(2):201-205.
- From May 1980 through May 1983, 18,201 subjects were examined with AMHTS which consisted of 5 parameters including blood glucose dtermination before and one hour after 50 g of oral glucose. Data were analysed by ControL Data Cyber I74 system cornputer. The prevalence of diabetes among various age group and associated diseases were studied. The subjects were divided into 4 groups. Group l, normal, with fasting blood glucose(FBS) less than 115 mg/dl and 1 hr glucose less than 185 mg/Di. Group 3, probably normal, with FBS Iess than 115 mg/Di and 1 hr glucose between 186 mg to 199 mg/dl, or FRS between 116 to 139 mg/dl and 1 hr glucose less than 199 mg/dl. Group lll impaired glucose tolerance(IGT), with FBS lesa than 139 mg/Di and 1 hr glucose more than 200mg/dl. Group IV, diabetes, with FBS more than 140 mg/dl and 1 hr glucose more than 200 mg/dl. The prevalence of diabetes was 3.5%and IGT 8.0% The prevalence of diabetes in the male was 4.2% in contrast to 2 4% in the female. The prevalence af diabetes among various age groups was 2,2, 0,5, 0.9,3.4,7.1,10.4 and l0. 7% in the second to eighth decade, respectively. The incidence of hypertension (over 160/95 mmHg) was 3.4%. In Croup I, 5.3% in Group ll,6.4% in Giroup lll, and 8.6% in Grup Lv. The incidence of hyperchoIesterolemia (over 250 mg/dl) was 6.8% in Group I, 9.5% in Group Li, I1,8% in Group ll, and 21.0% in Group Lv. The incidence of abnormal E.K.G. findings(Q & ST-T changes) was 0.5%, in Group l, 0.5%, in Group ll, 0. 7%," in Group lll, and 3,0% in Group Lv. The incidence of hypercreatinemia(over 1.5 mg/dl) was 0.6% in Group I, 1,6%, in Group ll, 1.3 % in Group lll, and 1.8%. In Group Lv. The incidenee of proteinuria was 3. 0% in Group l, 5.1% in Group ll, 6. 1%, in Group Ill, and 17. 3% in Group lV. The incidence of active pulmonary tuberculosis was 1.0% in Group I, 1.2% in Group ll, 1.8% in Group lll, and 3.6% in Group lV.