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Seyedeh Najmeh Ghasemi  (Ghasemi SN) 1 Article
Clinical Care/Education
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Iranian Internists Regarding Diabetes: A Cross Sectional Study
Mahtab Niroomand, Seyedeh Najmeh Ghasemi, Hamidreza Karimi-Sari, Mohammad Hossein Khosravi
Diabetes Metab J. 2017;41(3):179-186.   Published online June 2, 2017
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A number of studies investigated the general practitioners' and family physicians' knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) on diabetes. However, studies on internists' KAP on diabetes management are limited. This study aimed to investigate the Iranian internists' KAP on diabetes mellitus and its management.


A cross-sectional study was conducted on a random sample of internists who participated in the 26th annual congress of internists in Tehran, Iran. The level of KAP and affecting factor was evaluated by a validated instrument.


One-hundred internists with the mean age of 41.98±9.26 years were evaluated. Totally, the physicians possessed 66.29%±19.5%, 50.44%±19.39%, and 64.5%±15.3% of the scores in KAP, respectively. The time since graduation in general medicine had significant negative correlation with their knowledge and practice, that was along with the subjects' age (P<0.05). The KAP level had not significant difference between subjects participated in a continuing medical education (CME) program during the last year compared to subjects did not participated (P>0.05). Attitude, and practice scores were significantly higher in physicians who were working at diabetes clinic (P<0.05), and attitude was more in physicians working at teaching hospitals compared to those who were not working (57.82 vs. 47.72, P=0.020).


According to our results, subjects' age and time since graduation in general medicine and specialty were inversely correlated by knowledge and practice. So internists with older age seems to be in priority for educational programs. And holding CME programs in current forms seems to be not suitable to increase the KAP regarding diabetes.


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