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Young Joong Cho  (Cho YJ) 2 Articles
Effect of Advanced Glycation End Products on Rat Aortic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells.
Jin Young Song, Sung Hee Ihm, Ji Young Suh, Young Joong Cho, Hyung Joon Yoo, Sung Woo Park, Ja Hei Ihm
Korean Diabetes J. 2002;26(2):91-99.   Published online April 1, 2002
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Diabetes mellitus is an epidemiologically proven risk factor for atherosclerosis. Advanced glycation end products (AGE) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many diabetic vascular complications. AGE not only change the physicochemical properties of proteins, but also induce a wide range of cell-mediated responses. However, biological effects of AGE on the vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) have not been fully explained despite of presence of an AGE-receptor on the VSMCs. METHODS: In order to test whether AGE promotes atherosclerosis by stimulation of the growth promoting signal transduction pathways in the VSMCs, the proliferation of rat aortic VSMCs cultured in the presence of AGE-BSA with/without anti-AGE antibodies, the MAP kinase inhibitor and antioxidants was measured. The VSMCs (1 x 104 cells in 24-well plates) isolated from the aorta of Sprague-Dawley rats were incubated for 48 hours and the proliferation was assessed by a MTT assay. RESULTS: AGE-BSA increased the proliferation of rat aortic VSMCs by 1.5~1.6 fold at the g/mL level. The stimulatory effect of AGE-BSA (5 microgram/mL) was blocked by the anti-AGE antibodies (100 microgram/mL). PD98059 at 50 M inhibited the AGE - BSA - induced VSMC proliferation, suggesting that MAP kinase activation might be responsible for the proliferative response of the VSMCs to AGE. AGE - BSA - induced VSMC proliferation was also attenuated by N-acetylcysteine (1 micro M) and butylated hydroxyanisole (10 micro M), implying that increased intracellular oxidative stress might be also involved in the proliferative response to AGE. CONCLUSION: These results suggest AGE play a role in diabetic atherosclerosis by stimulating of the growth promoting signal transduction pathways in the VSMCs.
The Relation of Diabetes Control to Stress Amounts Associated with Life Events in Diabetics.
Jung Won Lim, Hyung Joon Yoo, Kyung Ae Choi, Sung Hee Lim, Yoo Sun Chung, Sung O Seo, Chul Su Choi, Hyun Kyu Kim, Jae Myung Yoo, Doo Man Kim, Moon Gi Choi, Sung Woo Park, Young Joong Cho
Korean Diabetes J. 2001;25(3):240-249.   Published online June 1, 2001
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The life events which diabetic patients experience has an influence on conduct and communication pattern that is essential to control diabetes. The psychosocial life events which patients experienced in recently, as well as in the past has an important meanings in the process of the plan, implementation and evaluation of diabetic control. However, the most researches on this issues are scanty. Thus, we evaluated the relation of diabetic control to stress amounts associated with the life event which diabetic patients experience for the past one year. METHODS: In this study, 81 diabetic patients admitted to H hospital from March, 1999 to February 2000 were examined in stress amounts associated with life events, blood sugar, HbA1C, duration, complication, family history, treatment to inspect the hypothesis that stress experiences for recent 1 year are related to diabetic control. The 'Life Psychosocial Event Scale' invented by Lee was used. To examine the hypothesis that diabetic control may be influenced by the amount of stress, we investigated the difference of the means between the two groups (upper 30% of patients vs. lower 30% of patients) by T-test. RESULTS: The mean age was 56.9+/-15.1 years and the mean duration of diabetes was 8.9+/-7 years. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) was 200.3+/-71.0 mg/dL, PP2 was 292.9+/-87.2 mg/dL, HbA1C was 10.5+/-2.6%, complication was 0.8+/-0.9. The age showed negative correlation with stress amounts. The other variables did not show significant correlation with stress amounts. Thus, our study indicated that the hypothesis that stress experiences for recent 1 year are related to diabetic control was rejected. However, considering the perception-phenomenological approach on stress, if we study the relationship between stress with diabetic control inclusively, it seems that we can recognize such relationship. CONCLUSION: To address relation between stress with diabetic control inclusively, we need to consider stress factors in diversified aspects more than only one. Therefore, we must investigate how do patients perceive and cope with stress inclusively, because the crisis of life is influenced on the stress coping skill of patients. The study on this issue must be continued to identified the key factors associated with stress in diabetes.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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