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You Hern Ahn  (Ahn YH) 3 Articles
The Role of Chromium as an Insulin Sensitizer in Rats Receivieng Corticosteroid.
Dong Sun Kim, Chang Beom Lee, Yong Soo Park, You Hern Ahn, Tae Wha Kim, Ho Soon Choi, Il Kyu Park, Hyun Jin Shin, Ju Seop Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2001;25(3):211-217.   Published online June 1, 2001
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Chromium (Cr) has been known to be essential for the regulation of insulin action. Recently it has been reported that corticosteroid increases urinary loss of Cr, and that Cr supplementation recovers steroid induced diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Rats were daily treated with dexamethasone (0.2 mg/kg, ip) for first 7 days and were further treated daily with dexamethasone plus either chromium picolinate (30 mg/kg) or a placebo for a period of 14 days. RESULTS: At the end of experiment (Day 21), the control rats treated only with dexamethasone weighed 320 gram (80% of initial weight) in average, but the Cr treated rats weighed 364 gram (91% of initial weight. p<0.05). An insulin sensitivity test [subcutaneous injection of insulin (5 U/kg) plus intraperitoneal injection of glucose (30 minutes after insulin injection)] were conducted. During the insulin sensitivity tests, the area under curves (AUC(0->120 min)) of the time-glucose concentrations curves in the Cr-treated group were decreased compared to those in the control group (5250 vs 15883 mg-min/dL, p<0.01). Fasting serum insulin levels in the Cr-treated rats were clearly decreased by 46.9% compared to those in the control group (2.98 vs 5.60 ng/mL, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that chromium supplementation reverse a catabolic state, and increase insulin sensitivity in dexamethasone treated rats.
Prevalence of ICA and anti-GAD, HLA DRB1 / DQA1 / DQB1 Polymorphism in Korean IDDM Patients.
Yong Soo Park, Jin Ho Shin, Jin Bae Kim, Woong Hwan Choi, You Hern Ahn, Tae Wha Kim, Mok Hyun Kim, Sei Won Yang, Seung Duck Hwang, Hee Bal Rhee
Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(3):289-299.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Although the HLA class II genes are cleaily associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) in all ethnic. Groups, considerable variation in the associated genotypes is observed among the different ethnic groups. Mathods: In order to estimate what degree genetic and environmental determinants influence the true incidence of IDDM, ICA by imrnunohistochemistry, anti-GAD prevalence by radioimmunoprecipitation and HLA-DRB1, DQAl, and DQB1 polymorphisms after PCR amplification of genomic DNA were analyzed in 131 cases of IDDM, whose age at diagnosis were less than 15. RESULTS: 56% of them(73/131) were anti-GAD positive. 43% IDDM(56/131) were ICA positive. HLA DR3 and DR9 were susceptibility markers, whereas DR2 and DR5 were protective markers. DR3/4,, DR3/9, and DR3/X(X: other than 3, 4) were susceptible genotypes. HLA DQA1*0301 allele was increased, and DQB1*0301 and DQB1*0602 were decreased in IDDM. Not only HLA DQA1 Arg, but also DQBl non-Asp were found to be independent marker for IDDM, but their strength of association was weak. The highest prevalence of anti-GAD was observed in thosc homozygous for DR4(87.5%), exceeding that(47.8%) in those without this allele, and those with one DR4(63.5), whereas the highest prevealence of ICA was found in those homozygous for DR3(10G%), exceeding that in those with one DR3(64.3%) or in those without this allele(36.7%). There was a significant difference in numbers of HLA DQ susceptibility heterodimers in anti-GAD positive or negative patients. Conelusion: The prevalence of islet-specific auto-antibodies were present at comparable sensitivity and specificity in Korean IDDM patients. We could also assess that the immunoenetic markers for IDDM among Caucasians likewise confer disease susceptibility among Koreans. However, different HLA susceptibility alleles and a lower strength of association with known susceptibility markers, presumably because of differences in the genetic make-up of the population or in linkage disequilibrium patterns compared with other racial groups.
Autophosphorylation and tyrosine kinase activity of purified insulin receptors.
Woong Hwan Choi, You Hern Ahn, Tae Wha Kim, Mokhyun Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1991;15(2):173-182.   Published online January 1, 2001
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