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Sun Ja Kwon  (Kwon SJ) 3 Articles
Evaluation of Fasting Plasma Glucose to Diagnose Diabetes in Yonchon County.
Young Joo Park, In Kyoung Chung, Chan Soo Shin, Kyong Soo Park, Seong Yeon Kim, Hong Kyu Lee, Sun Ja Kwon
Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(3):372-380.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Recently, many studies were performed to evaluate the diagnostic value of fasting plasma glucose to diagnose diabetes, and the diagnostic criteria were revised by ADA in 1997 to avoid discrepancy between the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2 hour post-load plasma glucose(2hPG) cutpoint values after 75g oral glucose loading and to alsc facilitate and encourage the use of test for diagnosing diabetes. This study was performed to assess the performance of different cutpoint of fasting plasma glucose in the diagnosis of diabetes and to compare the prevalence and incidence of diabetes using revised 1997 ADA FPG criterion with those using 1985 WHO criteria in Yonchon County of Korea. METHODS: Two thousand three hundred fifty-six subjects who participated in population based cross-sectional study in Yonchon County in 1993. We have also analysed the data from 1141 subjects who were non-diabetic in 1993 and participated in the follow-up survey in 1995. The relationship between FPG and 2hPG were determined using sensitivity, specificity and the prevalence of diabetes according to FPG and/or 2hPG values. We have determined the prevalence and the incidence of diabetes using the ADA criterion. RESULTS: Based on WHO criteria, a FPG of 6.1 mmol/L(110mg/dL) was determined to yield optimal sensitivity(83.6%) and specificity(82.4%), but it showed low positive predictive value(27.2%) and high prevalence(24.5%). The FPG cutpoint which showed same prevalence with the criterion ot the 2hPG >11.1mmol/L(87 in 2251) was 7.4mmol/L (133mg/dL, 87 in 2251), The crude prevalence of diabetes and impaired fasting glucose by ADA criterion were 9.6% and 14.9%, respectively, where as the crude prevalence of diabetes and IGT were 9.4% and 11.5% by WHO criteria. The crude incidence of diabetes was 5.1% as defined by ADA criterion and 34.4% of subjects who showed impaired fasting glucose in 1993 converted to diabetes in 1995, whereas the incidence was 2.5% by WHO criteria and 13% of IGT subjeets converted to diabetes in 2 years. Conclusions: The adequate cutpoint for FPG seems to lie between 6.1mmol/L and 7.4mmol/L. The 1997 ADA criterion of the FPG > 7.0mmol/L produced similar prevalence and higher incidence than those obtained from 1985 WHO criteria and the former seems to be better to detect the risk group who may progress to diabetes.
Measurement of Anti-38kD Antibody in Korean patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus by Western Blot Analysis.
Sun Ja Kwon, Hong Kyu Lee, Hyeon Kyu Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(2):135-144.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is characterized by the destruction of pancreatic b-cells, which is associated with the genetic susceptibility and the production of antibodies to a numter of islet cell antigens(ICA). A possible target antigen, 38kD antigen, was suggested by the proliferation of CD4 T cells frorn a newly diagnosed patient in response to a 38kD polypeptide of the insulin-secretory-granule membrane. Autoantibody to a rat islet cell -protein of 38kD was detectable in the sera of diabetes-prone biobreeding rats by both immunoprecipitation and differential Westem blot analysis. Anti-38kD antibodies were also found to have a 76% sensitivity at the time of diagnosis in diabetic children by immunoprecipitation. In the Asian populations, it has been reported that clinical and immunologic characteristics of IDDM are quite different from those of Caucasians, say low prevalence of ICA. In Korean, there has never been reported the presence of the anti-38kD antibody. Moreover, the time-consuming and laborious nature of assay, such as T-cell proliferation and immuno-precipitation, makes it difficult to use for large population screenings. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anti-38kD antibody as a immunologic marker in Korean IDDM patients by Western blot analysis. METHODS: Anti-38kD antibody was detected by Western blot analysis using the lysate of rat insulinoma cell line(RINmSF) as an antigenic source. ICA was determined by enzymatic immunohistochemical analysis. The prevalence of anti-38kD antibody and ICA was measured in 38 cases of IDDM, whose mean age at diagnosis and mean duration of IDDM were 25.2+14.2 years and 0.66+0.97 years, respectively. RESULTS: Using Western blot analysis with the lysate fraction of RIN cell, the prevalence of anti-38kD autoantibody(21.1%) in the IDDM paients was significantly higher than that in the control subjects(0.0%, P<0.05). Clinical characteristics between anti-38kD antibody-positive and -negative IDDM patients were not different. In immunohisto-chemical staining, ICA was detected in 18.2% of the IDDM patients, but not in the control subjects. The prevalence of anti-38kD antibody was 21.7%, 28.6% and 12.5% in the patients of less 1 year, 1 year and 2~4 years, respectively, showing no statistically significant difference in the prevalence according to the duration of IDDM. As previously reported, however, the prevalence of ICA decreased with increasing duration of IDDM. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that the anti-38kD autoantibody is a candidate of autoantibodies for the immunologic markers of Korean IDDM We expect the development of the more methods for the detection of anti-38kD in the future.
Serum Fasting Proinsulin Level as a Predictor for Development of NIDDM in Korean Subjects.
Geon Sang Park, Chan Soo Shin, Kyong Soo park, Seong Yeon Kim, Hong Kyu Lee, Sun Ja Kwon, Yong Soo Park
Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(4):365-371.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Proinsulin is raised in people with NIDDM. Hyperproinsulinemia is thought to be a predictor for the subsequent development of NIDDM. We studied to investigate whether hyperproinsulinemia can predict the development of NIDDM in Korean subjects. METHOD: This study was performed as a nested case-control study. The case group was 67 newly developed diabetic patients out of 1193 initially non-diabetic cohott in Yonchon county. We have also selected 66 age-sex-B541-WHR matched control group who remain non-diabetic for 2 years. We compared baseline insulin, proinsulin and proinsulin/insulin ratio between two groups, RESULTS: There was no significant difference in baseline fasting insulin levels[46,77+/-17.3 vs 42.87+/- 11.6(pmol/L)] between converters to diabetes and non-converters. However, the baseline proinsulin levels in converters to diabetes were higher than those in non-converters.[16.07+/-14.3 vs 8.72+/-5.2(pmol/L)) The baseline proinsulin/imulin ratio in converters was also higher than those in non-converters. [0.30+/-0.17 vs 0.20+/-0.10] CONCLUSION: The results suggest that fasting hyper-proinsulinemia may be a predictor for subsequent development of NIDDM in Korean subjects.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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