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Soo Boon Jung  (Jung SB) 1 Article
Self-Care and Related Factors in Patients with Diabetes.
Jin Ho Chun, Soo Boon Jung, Hae Sook Sohn
Korean Diabetes J. 1999;23(2):193-206.   Published online January 1, 2001
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In patients with diabetes, self-care might be important for the prevention of complications and the improvement of quality of life. METHODS: To investigate the factors related to self-care in patients with diabetes, a questionnaire study of 128 diabetic patients at three hospitals in Pusan was done from November 1997 to March 1998. The questionnaire included the level of self-care, the knowledge of diabetes, health belief, the support of the family, stresses relating to the disease, personal characteri.;tics, medical history, relationship with medical personnel. The data was analyzed by PC SAS program (version 6.12) with the level of significance (a=0.05). RESULTS: In univariate analysis, the level of self-care was higher in the group with a greater level of knowledge, health belief, the support of family, and it was lower in the group with a greater level of stress (p<0.05). In the multiple regression analysis with the level of self-care as the dependent variable and each characteristic as independent variables, knowledge (9=0.132), health belief (g=0.469), stresses (B=-0.105), body mass index (9=-0.898), regular hospital visit (g=2.318), relationship with the physician (B=3.987) and current smoking habits (B=-5.205) were detected as significant factors (p<0.05), and current drinking factors (B=-3.742) were not significant (p>0.05). The value of R-square was 61%. CONCLUSIONS: To enhance the effectiveness for diabetes control through the enhancement of the patients self-care level, it suggested that self control of weight, smoking and stress would be necessary, and the level of knowledge and health belief should be increased with a good relationship with his physician. And thought it necessary to let them visit a physician regularly through efforts from family members and medical personnel.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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