- Effect of Diabetes Education Program on Glycemic Control and Self Management for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Ji Hyun Kim, Sang Ah Chang
Korean Diabetes J. 2009;33(6):518-525. Published online December 1, 2009
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kdj.2009.33.6.518
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease requiring continuous treatment and vigorous self-management. Reinforcement of effective self management and diabetes education are important factors in successful treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the current diabetes education program on blood glucose control, self-management, and self-efficacy of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: A total of 592 patients with newly diagnosed or uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus were recruited to the diabetes education program from January to December 2007. We surveyed 338 patients from April to July 2008. A total of 117 patients had biochemical examinations and completed a questionnaire about knowledge, self-management and self-efficacy of diabetes treatment (no education group (n = 23), education group (n = 94)). RESULTS: The total scores from the questionnaires and the results of laboratory data showed no differences between the two groups. However, there were significant reductions in hemoglobin A1c level in the education group, as compared with the no education group (P = 0.039). Although the score for knowledge about diabetes mellitus was significantly higher in the education group (P = 0.005), greater knowledge was not reflected in the self-management or self-efficacy of the patients. CONCLUSION: The current diabetes education program had no effect on the self-management or self-efficacy of patients with diabetes, although did show some degree of association with blood glucose control and diabetes knowledge level. We conclude that a more effective diabetes education program needs to be developed and applied to daily practice for the improvement ofself-efficacy in patients with diabetes mellitus.
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- Association of Spot Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio and 24 Hour-Collected Urine Albumin Excretion Rate in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Jee In Lee, Hyuk Sang Kwon, Su Jin Oh, Jung Min Lee, Sang Ah Chang, Bong Yun Cha, Hyun Shik Son, Tae Seo Sohn
Korean Diabetes J. 2009;33(4):299-305. Published online August 1, 2009
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kdj.2009.33.4.299
Measuring urine albumin in diabetic patients is an important screening test to identify those individuals at high risk for cardiovascular disease and the progression of kidney disease. Recently, spot urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) has replaced 24 hour-collected urine albumin excretion rate (AER) as a screening test for microalbuminuria given its comparative simplicity. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the degree of correlation between AER and ACR in the normal, microalbuminuric and macroalbuminuric ranges, and to identify the lower limits of ACR for both genders. METHODS: A total of 310 type 2 diabetics admitted to one center were enrolled in the present study. Following the collection of a spot urine sample, urine was collected for 24 hours and albumin content was measured in both specimens. RESULTS: Mean patient age was 60.2 years. A total of 25.4% had microalbuminuria and 15.8% had macroalbuminuria. The data revealed a strongly positive correlation between AER and ACR across all ranges of albuminuria (R = 0.8). The cut-off value of ACR for 30 mg/day of AER by the regression equation was 24 microgram/mg for men, 42 microgram/mg for women and 31.2 microgram/mg for all patients. The diagnostic performance expressed as the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.938 (95% CI, 0.911-0.965) for ACR. ACR revealed a sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 84%, when a cut-off value of 31.2 microgram/mg was employed. CONCLUSION: ACR was highly correlated with AER, particularly in the range of microalbuminuria. The gender combined cut-off value of ACR in type 2 diabetic patients was determined to be 31.2 microg/mg However, additional studies of large outpatient populations, as opposed to the inpatient population used in the present study, are required to confirm the utility of this value.
- The Changes of Central Aortic Pulse Wave Analysis in Metabolic Syndrome.
Jee In Lee, Tae Seo Sohn, Hyuk Sang Kwon, Jung Min Lee, Sang Ah Chang, Bong Yun Cha, Hyun Shik Son
Korean Diabetes J. 2008;32(6):522-528. Published online December 1, 2008
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kdj.2008.32.6.522
- The metabolic syndrome (MS) has been characterized as a cluster of risk factors that includes dyslipidemia, hypertension, glucose intolerance and central obesity. This syndrome increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Augmentation index (AIx), a composite of wave reflection form medium-sized muscular arteries is related to the development of coronary artery disease. The aim of this study is to examine the change on central aortic waveforms in subjects between patients with metabolic syndrome and normal subjects. Using the non-invasive technique of pulse wave analysis by applantation tonometry, we investigated central aortic waveforms in 45 patients with MS and 45 matched controls. The MS was defined by NCEP-ATP III criteria. Age did not differ between the two groups. AIx was significantly elevated in patinets with MS compared with controls (21.91 +/- 11.41% vs 18.14 +/- 11.07%; P < 0.01). Subendocardial viability ratio (SEVR) (158.09 +/- 28.69 vs 167.09 +/- 30.06; P < 0.01) was significantly decreased in patients with MS compared with controls. Only the fasting glucose (r = 0.317, P = 0.03) among the components of MS and age (r = 0.424, P = 0.004) had a positive correlation with AIx. AIx increased as the number of MS components increased. These results show that the MS increased systemic arterial stiffness. Age and fasting blood glucose are independent risk factors of arterial stiffness in MS. The individual MS components, except for fasting blood glucose, do not affect arterial stiffness independently. But the clustering of MS components might interact to synergistically affect arterial stiffness.
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- Arterial Stiffness by Aerobic Exercise Is Related with Aerobic Capacity, Physical Activity Energy Expenditure and Total Fat but not with Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Female Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Ji Yeon Jung, Kyung Wan Min, Hee Jung Ahn, Hwi Ryun Kwon, Jae Hyuk Lee, Kang Seo Park, Kyung Ah Han Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2014; 38(6): 439. CrossRef - The Changes of the body composition and vascular flexibility According to Pilates mat Exercise during 12 weeks in elderly women
Ji-Eun Jang, Yong-Kwon Yoo, Byung-Hoon Lee The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences.2013; 8(11): 1777. CrossRef - Traditional East Asian Medical Pulse Diagnosis: A Preliminary Physiologic Investigation
Kylie A. O'Brien, Stephen Birch, Estelle Abbas, Paul Movsessian, Michael Hook, Paul A. Komesaroff The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.2013; 19(10): 793. CrossRef
- Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Diabetic Ketoacidosis at a Single Institution.
Jee In Lee, Tae Seo Sohn, Sang Ah Chang, Jung Min Lee, Bong Yun Cha, Ho Young Son, Hyun Shik Son
Korean Diabetes J. 2008;32(2):165-170. Published online April 1, 2008
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kdj.2008.32.2.165
- AIMS: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in Hospital for past 6 years. METHODS: We reviewed the retrospective medical records of all patients admitted with a diagnosis of DKA from 2000 to 2005 in Uijeongbu St. Mary's Hospital. Clinical characteristics including precipitating factors and hospital mortality were analyzed. RESULTS: Seventy-eight patients (78 episodes) fulfilled criteria for inclusion in this study. Their mean age was 41.89 years. 66 episodes had a prior history of diabetes but DKA was the initial presentation in 12 episodes. 24.4% were on no treatment, 14.1% were using oral hypoglycemic agents and 53.8% were on insulin. Poor glycemic control were the most common precipitating factor (56.4%). There were 3 deaths. CONCLUSION: Our report is similar with past reports of DKA in Korea. but it is different that poor glycemic control is most common precipitating factor and mortality rate are lower than past reports. This observation suggests that many cases of DKA can be prevented by better access to medical care, proper education, and effective communication with a health care provider.
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- Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis: A Single-Center Study
Iee Ho Choi, Min Sun Kim, Pyoung Han Hwang, Dae-Yeol Lee The Journal of Korean Diabetes.2017; 18(3): 193. CrossRef - Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics of Elderly Patients With Hyperglycemic Emergency State at a Single Institution
Yun Jae Shin, Dae In Kim, Dong Won Lee, Beung Kwan Jeon, Jung Geun Ji, Jung Ah Lim, Young Jung Cho, Hong Woo Nam Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research.2016; 20(4): 185. CrossRef - Evaluation of the Clinical Significance of Ketonuria
Hae-Won Jung, Ile-Kyu Park Laboratory Medicine Online.2012; 2(1): 15. CrossRef - A Case of Severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis in a Child with Type 2 Diabetes
Jaesung Yu, Hyunju Jin, Joontae Ko, Hoseok Kang Journal of Korean Society of Pediatric Endocrinology.2011; 16(1): 46. CrossRef - Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Hyperglycemic Emergency State Accompanying Rhabdomyolysis
Soo Kyoung Kim, Jong Ha Baek, Kyeong Ju Lee, Jong Ryeal Hahm, Jung Hwa Jung, Hee Jin Kim, Ho-Su Kim, Sungsu Kim, Soon Il Chung, Tae Sik Jung Endocrinology and Metabolism.2011; 26(4): 317. CrossRef
- The Differences of Circulating Adiponectin Levels and Multimerization According to Obesity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of Men.
Sang Ah Chang, Ho Young Son, Jung Min Lee, Tae Seo Sohn, Hyuk Sang Kwon, Hyun Shik Son, Kun Ho Yoon, Hee Seung Kim, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 2007;31(3):243-252. Published online May 1, 2007
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkda.2007.31.3.243
Adiponectin is adipose tissue derived hormone, which has been shown to play an important role in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Low adiponectin levels are associated with obesity and diabetes and coronary artery disease. In addition to adiponectin level, the adiponectin multimerization and its ratio to total adiponectin have also affect on metabolic risk factors and insulin resistance. However, the adiponectin multimerization pattern in type 2 diabetes of Korean has not been established. We investigated adiponectin levels and adiponectin multimerization pattern according to obesity in type 2 diabetes males of Korean. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 86 of diabetes patients and 89 of control subjects whose fasting blood glucose was below 110 mg/dL. They were divided into two subgroup, non-obese and obese, according to BMI (non-obese 25 < BMI). Anthropometric parameter and other metabolic risk factors were measured. Insulin resistance was presented by HOMA-IR. Plasma adiponectin level was measured by radioimmunoassay method. Adiponectin multimerization was fractionated by SDS-PAGE under non-reducing and non-heat denaturing state and performed immunoblotting. RESULT: Serum adiponectin levels were significantly reduced in obese than non obese group in diabetes patients (7.73 +/- 5.2 versus 12.56 +/- 8 microgram/mL, P = 0.003). Correlational analyses demonstrated that BMI, body weight, waist circumference, diastolic pressure, glucose and height correlated significantly with adiponectin levels in the diabetes patients. The HOMA-IR did not affect the plasma adiponectin levels in diabetic patients. There were no differences in adiponectin multimerization distribution and ratio between obese and non-obese group in the diabetes, however middle molecular weight multimers (MMW, ~110~160 Kda, hexamer) ratio in the control subjects were significantly reduced in obese group than non-obese group (49 +/- 9 versus 56 +/- 11%, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The adipoenctin levels were lower in obese than non-obese group of diabetes males in Korea. Aiponectin levels correlated with BMI and weight but not insulin resistance. The differences of adiponectin multimerization distribution and ratio between obese and non-obese group in diabetes were not detected.
- The Appropriate Distance and Duration of Walking for Exercise in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Tae Seo Sohn, Jung Min Lee, Sang Ah Chang, Kyung Ah Han, Hyun Shik Son, Hyo Jeong Kim, Chul Woo Ahn, Yeon Ah Sung, Kyung Wan Min, Sei Hyun Baik, Jae Myeong Yu, Sung Woo Park
Korean Diabetes J. 2007;31(2):157-162. Published online March 1, 2007
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkda.2007.31.2.157
For decades, exercise has been considered a cornerstone of diabetes managements, along with diet and medication. Many studies have shown that regular physical activity improves quality of life, reduces the risk of mortality from all causes, and is particularly advantageous in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, high-quality evidence and basic data on the importance of exercise and physical fitness in Korean diabetic patients were lacking until recent years. METHOD: This study included 240 diabetic patients (122 men, 118 women) recruited from 6 diabetic centers in Korea. To measure step length and walking velocity at normal walking speed, we made the patient walk 12 meter at normal speed. The patients wore the pedometer for 7 days and we got the equation between the walking steps per day and calorie expenditure for 7 days. From the equation, we calculated appropriate steps, distance and duration of walking in type 2 diabetic patients as exercise program RESULTS: In men, the walking velocity was 4.4 +/- 0.6 km/h and step length was 67.6 +/- 7.3 cm at normal walking speed. In women, the walking velocity was 4.0 +/- 0.6 km/h and step length was 58.4 +/- 5.5 cm at normal walking speed. The equation between kcal per week and steps per day was that kcal/week = (steps/day) x 0.268 + 64.074 (R2 = 0.854, P < 0.01) in men and kcal/week in women = (steps/day) x 0.256 - 39.005 (R2 = 0.890, P < 0.01). The steps/day, walking distance and walking duration which correspond to 700 kcal/week was 2,373 steps/day, 21.9 minutes and 1,604 meter in men, and 2,887 steps/day, 25.3 minutes and 1,690 meter in women at normal walking speed. CONCLUSION: To exert at least 700 kcal/week with exercise, it is recommended that type 2 diabetic patients walk at least 25 minutes/day or 1,700 meter/day or 2,500 steps/day in men and 30 minutes/day or 1,800 meter/day or 3,000 steps/day in women at normal walking speed.
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- Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Glucose Control, Neuropathy Scores, Balance, and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Neuropathy
Sukhee Ahn, Rhayun Song The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.2012; 18(12): 1172. CrossRef - Small Rice Bowl-Based Meal Plan for Energy and Marcronutrient Intake in Korean Men with Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Study
Hee Jung Ahn, Kyung Ah Han, Jin Young Jang, Jae Hyuk Lee, Kang Seo Park, Kyung Wan Min Diabetes & Metabolism Journal.2011; 35(3): 273. CrossRef - Group Classification on Management Behavior of Diabetic Mellitus
Sung-Hong Kang, Soon-Ho Choi Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2011; 12(2): 765. CrossRef - Bowl-Based Meal Plan versus Food Exchange-Based Meal Plan for Dietary Intake Control in Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Hee-Jung Ahn, Boo-Kyung Koo, Ji-Yeon Jung, Hwi-Ryun Kwon, Hyun-Jin Kim, Kang-Seo Park, Kyung-Ah Han, Kyung-Wan Min Korean Diabetes Journal.2009; 33(2): 155. CrossRef
- Pedometer-Determined Physical Activity in Type 2 Diabetes in Korea.
Sang Ah Chang, Jung Min Lee, Tae Seo Sohn, Hyun Shik Son, Sung Woo Park, Sei Hyun Baik, Jae Myung Yu, Yeon Ah Sung, Chul Woo Ahn, Kyung Wan Min, Kyung Ah Han
Korean Diabetes J. 2007;31(1):83-88. Published online January 1, 2007
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkda.2007.31.1.83
Walking is a popular, convenient and relatively safe form of exercise. However, there is few objective data for walking exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate pedometer-determined physical activity defined as steps/day in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it could be the basic data for programming walking exercise in diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Participants with type 2 diabetes who visited in 6 university hospitals on February, 2006 in Seoul and Kyung-gi area were recruited. The participants were asked their ambulatory activity with the given pedometer and calorimeter for 1 week. Total 240 (Male 122, Female 118) subjects who walked above 1000 steps/day were analyzed. We also collected their biochemical data from the medical records. RESULTS: Participants took 8532 +/- 4130 steps for day (step/day) and energy expenditure were 320 +/- 161 Cal/day. Steps/day was not significantly different between male and female, but energy expenditure was higher in male than female ( P < 0.05). Steps/day was significantly lower in obese patients than non-obese patients (P < 0.001). BMI (r = -0.325, P < 0.001), waist circumference (r = -0.287, P < 0.001), triglyceride (r = 0.164, P < 0.018) showed significant inverse correlation with steps/day, but BUN (r = 0.165, P = 0.019) and HDL-cholesterol (r = 0.164, P = 0.018) were positive correlated with steps/day significantly. BMI (r = -0.14, P < 0.032) and cholesterol (r = -0.139, P < 0.041) showed significantly inverse correlation with energy expenditure and BUN (r = 0.187, P = 0.008) and HDL cholesterol (r = 0.145, P < 0.037) positively correlated with energy expenditure. Pedometer-determined steps/day was positively associated with energy expenditure (r2 = 0.824, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study showed the objective quantification of physical activity measured by simple and inexpensive pedometers. It could be used to recommend walking exercise since the practitioners can estimate steps/day for required energy expenditure.
- The long-term effect of ramipril on Gialpha2-protein and Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B in an animal model of type 2 diabetes(OLETF rat).
Jung Min Lee, Ok Ki Hong, Hyuk Sang Kwon, Sung Dae Moon, Sang Ah Chang, Hyun Shik Son, Kun Ho Yoon, Bong Yun Cha, Sung Koo Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2006;30(1):25-38. Published online January 1, 2006
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkda.2006.30.1.25
The regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation is an important mechanism in various intracellular metabolism. Also impaired insulin signal transduction is important in pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. It has been reported that PTP1B is a negative regulator of insulin action, and Gialpha2-protein is related to the regulation of PTP1B. Herein we investigated the long-term effects of ramipril on PTP1B/insulin signal protein interaction and the relation between Gialpha2 and PTP1B in animal model of type 2 diabetes (OLETF rat). METHODS: OLETF rats and age-matched LETO rats were divided into two groups. One group of rats received ramipril (10 mg/kg body weight) for 12 weeks, and another group did not. Finally, each group was divided into 2 subgroups, with or without insulin injection intravenously, before sacrifice. After sacrifice, tissues extracts of liver, hind limb muscle, and epididymal fat were obtained for quantification of PTP1B, Gialpha2, and several insulin signal proteins by western blotting. RESULTS: In liver and muscle, the levels of basal PTP1B and activated PTP1B of OLETF rats treated with ramipril and insulin were significantly decreased. The levels of Gialpha2, activated IRS-2, and activated p-85alpha were significantly increased in OLETF rats treated with ramipril and insulin. In adipose tissue, the levels of Gialpha2 and activated p-85alpha of OLETF rats treated with ramipril and insulin were slightly increased as in liver and muscle. But, the levels of basal PTP1B and activated PTP1B were significantly increased. And, the levels of activated IRS-1 and activated IRS-2 were decreased. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the improvement of insulin sensitivity by treatment with ramipril was related to the decreased level of activated PTP1B. Also, we could suggest that the changes of activated PTP1B level was related with the changes of Gialpha2-protein. However, the results of adipose tissue were different from those of liver and muscle. So it seemed likely that there would be various major modulators for regulation of insulin signal pathway according to tissue.
- Effect of 12-week Oral Treatment with alpha-lipoic acid on the Nerve Conduction in Symptomatic Diabetic Neuropathy.
Tae Seo Sohn, Jung Min Lee, Sang Ah Chang, Hyun Shik Son, Bong Youn Cha, Ho Young Son, Kwang Woo Lee, Sung Ku Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2005;29(6):533-539. Published online November 1, 2005
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is multifactorial disorder arising from hyperglycemia and insulin deficiency. It has been suggested that oxidative stress resulting from enhanced free-radical formation and defects in antioxidant defence plays a major role among the putative pathogenic mechanisms of diabetic neuropathy. As alpha-lipoic acid, a natural antioxidant, has been suggested to improve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, we assessed the efficacy of alpha-lipoic acid on neuropathic symptoms and peripheral nerve conduction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with symptomatic polyneuropathy. METHODS: A cohort of 30 type 2 diabetic patients with symptomatic polyneuropathy received a daily dose of 600 mg alpha-lipoic acid, and was followed for 3 months. Neuropathic symptoms (pain, burning, paraesthesiae, and numbness) of the feet were scored at monthly interval and summarized as a Total Symptom Score (TSS). Nerve conduction study was done before and after 3 month treatment of alpha-lipoic acid. RESULTS: Treatment of alpha-lipoic acid given 600 mg per oral for 12 weeks improved the symptoms of diabetic polyneuropathy. Effects of alpha-lipoic acid on nerve conduction study were that in the motor nerve, the amplitudes of median nerve and tibial nerve and the conduction velocity of tibial nerve improved after 12 weeks treatment. In the sensory nerve, the conduction velocities of median nerve, ulnar nerve, and sural nerve improved after 12 weeks. CONCLUSION: alpha-Lipoic acid was effective in the treatment of diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy improving both clinical manifestations and nerve conduction. The improvement of clinical manifestations may be due to improved conduction velocity of sensory fibers.
- The Relation of Serum Adipokines with Metabolic Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects.
Tae Seo Sohn, Jung Min Lee, Sang Ah Chang, Hyun Shik Son, Young Mi Ku, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Ku Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2004;28(6):521-529. Published online December 1, 2004
Accumulation of fat, especially in the visceral space, has been claimed to have a causative role in the development of macroangiopathies, because of the secretion of adipokine from the fat tissue. Indeed, the adipocyte secretes chemical messengers (e.g., adipokines) that include leptin, TNF-alpha , IL-6, adiponectin, and resistin. Since adipokines have biologic activities within the vascular system, they might be involved in the development of diabetic angiopathies. The aim of this study is to investigate the relation of adipokine with adiposity, metabolic risk factors, diabetic micro-, and macroangiopathies in type 2 diabetic patients. METHODS: The subjects of this study were 57 type 2 diabetic patients. Anthropometric parameters (height, body weight, waist circumference and body fat composition), cardiovascular risk factors (BP, Lp (a), lipid profile, hs-CRP, fibrinogen), status of glucose metabolism (HbA1c, fasting glucose), diabetic microvascular complication, intima-media thickness (IMT) at both common carotid artery and adipokine (leptin, adiponectin, resistin) were measured. RESULTS: The correlation between the serum adipokine level and duration of diabetes was statistically significant (P <0.01). The leptin was correlated with body mass index (r=0.446, P <0.01), waist circumference (r=0.553, P <0.01) and body fat content (r=0.573, P <0.01). The adiponectin was negatively correlated with plasmatotal cholesterol (r=-0.366, P <0.01) and triglyceride (r=-0.276, P <0.05). The resistin was correlated with Lp (a) (r=0.386, P <0.01), hs-CRP (r=0.413, P <0.01), fibrinogen (r=0.562, P <0.01) and 24hr microalbuminuria (r=0.353, P <0.05). The adiponectin was increased in patients with microalbuminuria than with normo- and macroalbuminuria (P <0.05). The resistin was increased in patients with micro- or macroalbuminuria than normoalbuminuria (P <0.05). The adiponectin was increased in patients with retinopathy (P <0.05). The serum adipokine level was not correlated with IMT of common carotid artery. CONCLUSION: This study reveals that serum adipokine was related with metabolic risk factor in type 2 diabetic patients. Among adipokines, adiponectin and resistin might be involved in diabetic angiopathy. The underlying mechanisms remained to be elucidated in the role of adipokine to the development of diabetic angiopathy.
- Effect of Gi-proteins on Insulin Binding, Internalization and Recycling of Insulin Receptor in Bovine Aorta Endothelial Cell.
Hyuk Ho Kwon, Hyun Shik Son, Jung Min Lee, Seung Hyun Ko, Ok Ki Hong, Sung Dae Moon, Sang Ah Chang, Kun Ho Yoon, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2003;27(1):26-38. Published online February 1, 2003
Guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G-proteins) play important roles in the hormonal actions of many signal transduction systems. Possible roles for the Gi-protein in insulin action have been suggested. It is reported that Gi-protein is associated with insulin actions to a greater extent than Gs-protein. There are at least three different subtypes of Gi-proteins (Gi(alpha1), Gi(alpha2), and Gi(alpha3)), however, it is not certain which subtypes are associated with insulin receptors and their action. METHODS: To investigate the effects of Gi-proteins on insulin action, the Gi-proteins were overexpressed in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), using the DNA-polylysine-adenovirus complex transfection method. After incubating for 24 hours, the BAEC were treated with 200 ng/mL insulin to evaluate the insulin binding, receptor internalization and recycling. RESULTS: The following results were found : 1) The binding of specific insulin bindings to the insulin receptors of endothelial cells were time-dependent, reaching their maximal levels in all cells after 30 minutes. The maximal specific bindings of the control, Gi(alpha1), Gi(alpha2), and Gi(alpha3) were 0.58+/-0.1, 0.54+/-0.08, 0.54+/-0.1, 0.53+/-0.09%, respectively. 2) The internalization of 125I-insulin, into endothelial cells, was assessed by the acid washing dissociation method, and occurred rapidly. There was a significant difference in the internalized radioactivity of the 125I-insulin in the overexpressed Gi(alpha2) protein group compared to the two groups. 3) The recycling of the insulin receptors in the three types of Gi-protein showed no significant difference between the three group. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the Gi(alpha2) protein may be associated with internalization of the insulin-insulin receptor complex, and appears to be important in both the action of insulin and the intracellular processing of insulin receptors.
- The Role of Akt-1/PKBalpha on Insulin Action in 3T3-L1 Adipocyte.
Jung Min Lee, Hyun Shik Son, Hyuk Sang Kwon, Seung Ki Kwack, Seung Hyun Ko, Sang Ah Chang, Kun Ho Yoon, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang, Prem Sharma
Korean Diabetes J. 2002;26(4):274-285. Published online August 1, 2002
S: Akt/PKB as a serine/threonine kinase is stimulated by insulin and other growth factors. And insulin stimulates glucose uptake by promoting the translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the cell membrane. But, it is not clear that Akt/PKB, a downstream target of PI 3-kinase, is involved in glucose uptake pathway. In this study, we investigated the role of Akt/PKB, especially Akt-1, on insulin action in 3T3-L1 adipocyte. METHODS: We made recombinant Ad5.Akt-1 vector by the insertion of Akt-1 gene to adenoviral vector. And then, we overexpressed Akt-1 proteins(wild type and kinase inactive type) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by using a adenoviral transfection method. We observed the changes of glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, activities of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK, also called extracellular signal-regulated kinase), p70 ribosomal s6 protein kinase (p70s6k), and glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) according to Akt-1 activity and insulin treatment. RESULTS: First, overexpression of Akt-1 did not affect to glucose uptake, whether insulin stimulates or not. Second, overexpression of Akt-1 did not affect the phosphorylation of p44/42-MAPK, either. Third, the glycogen synthesis was increased by overexpression of Akt-1. CONCLUSION: Akt-1 activation is necessary for glycogen synthesis, but is not essential for glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
- Effects of Cilostazol on Insulin Resistance in OLETF Rats.
Sung Rae Kim, Ki Hyun Baek, Seung Hyun Ko, Jung Min Lee, Sang Ah Chang, Yoo Bae Ahn, Soon Jib Yoo, Jong Min Lee, Hyun Shik Son, Kun Ho Yoon, Moo Il Kang, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2001;25(1):63-70. Published online February 1, 2001
Insulin resistance is one of the major pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is reported that cilostazol and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor has the anti-platelet effect as well as an improvement of hypertriglyceridemia in addition to vasodilatation. Furthermore, the previous reports indicated that there is a positive relationship between insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. Thus, we investigated the effects of cilostazol on insulin resistance in OLETF rats using the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp technique, and lipid levels. METHODS: Fifteen five months old OLETF rats were fed for 4 weeks(8 treated with cilostazol and 7 were control), and compare to 20 same aged LETO rats (8 treated with cilostazol and 12 were control) through the glucose infusion rate on euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp and lipid profiles. RESULTS: The glucose infusion rate was higher in the cilostazol treated OLETF rats than in the non-cilostazol treated OLETF rats (0.021+/-0.0031 vs 0.027+/-0.0036 mL/min). The levels of free fatty acids (2424.8+/-652.7 vs 1061.8+/-223.2 Eq/L), total cholesterol (145.7+/-17.9 vs 115.4+/-7.6 mg/dL) and triglyceride (146.5+/-46.6 vs 76.1+/-12.5 mg/dL) of cilostazol treated OLETF rats were significantly lower than those of non-cilostazol treated OLETF rats. CONCLUSION: This study result suggest that cilostazol may improve the insulin resistance through the improvement of dyslipidemia in OLETF rats.
- Changes in the Amount and Function of Gi Protein in the Liver Cells of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.
Sun Myeong Ock, Hyun Shik Son, Oak Kee Hong, Jung Min Lee, Sung Rae Kim, Sang Ah Chang, Kun Ho Yoon, Moo Il Kang, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2000;24(6):666-677. Published online January 1, 2001
The functional and expressional changes of Gi proteins in diabetes have been investigated extensively, no agreement has been reached in the results. Moreover, studies using rats with different diabetic duration, and using subunits (Gialpha) of Gi proteins are lacking in literatures. Thus, we assessed the changes according to the duration of diabetes and examined the expressional changes of Gialphaand functional changes of Gi proteins in hepatocytes from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with streptozotocin to induce diabetes ; 1, 2, 3 and 5 weeks after the onset of diabetes, livers from the control and diabetic rats were fractionated into homogenate, interface, and plasma membrane. The levels of Gialpha1&2, Gialpha3 were quantified with western blots in each fraction. The functional changes of Gi proteins were evaluated by performing pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation and measuring GTP S binding activity. RESULTS: 1) Gialpha2 and Gialpha3 were present mainly in the plasma membrane of hepatocytes in the diabetic and control rats, but the levels of these subunits were significantly higher in the diabetic rates than in the control rats (p<0.01). The levels of these subunits were not affected by the duration of diabetes. 2) In streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, the levels of ADP-ribosylation of Gi proteins in liver plasma membranes decreased when pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation was performed with liver tissues. However, the levels of these proteins were not affected by the duration of diabetes. 3) For the GTP S binding activity of Gi proteins in liver plasma membranes, the diabetic rats showed significantly less activity than the control rats (p<0.01). However, the activity was not affected by the duration of diabetes. The activity was somewhat restored by the insulin treatment of liver plasma membranes in diabetic rats. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the insulin-deficient diabetic state induces the quantitative and functional changes in Gi proteins of hepatocytes regardless of the duration of diabetes. Therefore, these changes in Gi proteins may be the important compensatory reactions for the insulin resistance occurring in the insulin deficient state.
- Effect of Overexpression of Gi Proteins on Insulin Actions in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes.
Hyun Shik Son, Bong Yun Cha, Sung Dae Moon, Jung Min Lee, Ok Ki Hong, Sang Ah Chang, Yu Bae Ahn, Kun Ho Yoon, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2000;24(4):404-412. Published online January 1, 2001
It has been reported that G proteins are involved in biological actions of insulin. Especially, Gi protein is more associated with insulin actions than Gs proteins. Gi protein has at least three different subtypes of Gi 1, Gi 2 and Gi 3 protein. However, it is not certain which subtypes of Gi proteins are associated with biological actions of insulin. METHODS: To investigate which subtypes of Gi proteins are associated with insulin action, we overexpressed three different kinds of Gi protein, Gi 1, Gi 2 and Gi 3 protein, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes using DNA-polylysine-adenovirus complex transfection method. After incubating for 2 hours, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with 100 nM insulin for the evaluation of biological actions of insulin. Moreover, to elucidate insulin stimulated insulin receptor autophosphorylation and IRS-1 phosphorylation, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were stimulated with 100 nM insulin for 10 minutes, homogenized and immunoprecipitated with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. RESULTS: Transfection with Gi 2 gene resulted in increment in insulin-stimulated [3H]2-deoxyglucose (DOG) uptake without affecting basal 2-DOG uptake, but not with Gi 1 and Gi 3 gene transfection. There was unchanged glycogen synthesis rate in all three Gialphasubtypes. Insulin-induced increments of insulin receptor autophos phorylation and IRS-1 phosphorylation were found in Gi 2 protein overexpressed group, only. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that Gi 2 protein may be associated with regulation of biological actions of insulin.
- The Changes of Expression of Intermediate Flament in Pancreatic Duct Cells During Proliferation and Differentiation after 90% Pancreatectomy in Rats.
Seung Hyeon Ko, Kun Ho Yoon, Sun Hee Seo, Jung Min Lee, Ki Won Oh, Sang Ah Chang, Hye Soo Kim, Yoo Bae Ahn, Hyun Shik Son, Moo Il Kang, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 2000;24(2):191-201. Published online January 1, 2001
Neogenesis of the beta calls from ductal cells is the main mechanism of the increased beta cell mass after partial pancreatectomy. For the transdifferentiation from the duct cells to the beta cells, de-differentiation of the duct cells is needed because duct cells are also terminally differentiated cells already. But there was no clear evidence of de-differentiation of the duct cells during duct call proliferation so far. Herein we report the changes of intermediate filament protein expression in rapidly proliferating duct cells after partial pancreatectomy for the evidence of de-differentiation of the duct cells. METHODS: 45 week-old Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 80~120 g were used. 90% partial pancreatectomy was done. Experimental animals were divided into 5 subgroups by date of killing after surgery: 1, 3, 7, 14, 30 days, Pancreas remnant was excised and immunohistochemical stain was done for pancytokeratin (Pan-CK) as a epithelial cell marker and vimentin (VT) as a mesenchymal cell marker. We observed the double stained slide with pan-CK and VT antibody using confocal microscope for costaining analysis over time. The sections were also immunostained with anti-insulin antibody for the quantification of the beta cell mass by point-counting methods. RESULTS: We observed impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were developed affer 90% pancreatectomy. Significant increase of the weight of pancreatic remnant, beta cell and duct cell mass were observed about 14 days after pancreatectomy. We observed the co-expression of VT and pan-CK intermediate filament protein in rapidly proliferating duct cells in the area of common pancreatic duct and main duct at one day after partial pancreatectomy. 3 days affer partial pancreatectomy, VT and pan-CK costained duct cells were mainly observed in the rageneration focus of the duct cell proliferation. 30 days after partial pancreatectomy, we could not find any costaining duct calls in the remnant pancreas. CONCLUSION: The vimentin intermediate filament, a marker of mesenchymal cell was expressed in proliferating ductal cells after pancreatectomy. We could suspect that pancytokeratin and vimentin co-expression is a good marker for de-differentiation of proliferating duct cells.
- Fasting Serum Insulin Levels in Relation to Age and Body Mass Index and Serum Glucose Level in Healthy Subjects in Korea.
Sang Ah Chang, Ho Young Son, Bong Yun Cha, Sung Dae Moon, Ki Ho Song, Soon Jib Yoo, Kun Ho Yoon, Moo Il Kang, Kwang Woo Lee, Sung Ku Kang
Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(4):433-443. Published online January 1, 2001
Ethnic variability in the relationship between glucose tolerance and insulin secretion has been reported. Clinical characteristics of Korean diabetic patients are different from that of diabetic patients in Western countries. It is generally assumed that typical IDDM or obese diabetic patients are relatively rare among Korean subjects. This study attempted to define the characteristics of fasting serum insulin levels of healthy Korean adult subjects. Futhermore, we tried to evaluate the relationship between fasting serum insulin level and age, body mass index, serum glucose. METHODS: We examined 1917 Korean subjects who had fasting blood glucose within normal range (3.6~6.4mmol/L). The fasting insulin levels, total choiesterol, triglyceride concentrations and anthropometric characteristics(body weight, height and body mass index(BMI)) of these subjects were measured. RESULTS: 1) Mean fasting insulin levels were 33.9+0.5pmol/ L, the fasting insulin levels in men and women were 34.9+0.6 and 31.8+0.6pmol/L, respectively. 2) The fasting insulin levels of obese(BMI>25) subjects were significantly higher than those of non-obese subjects(43.2+ 1.2 pmol/L vs. 30.6+0.6 pmol/L, p<0.001). 3) There were significant differences in the basal insulin levels among the age groups, and fasting blood glucose levels were increased with aging. 4) In a multiple stepwise regression analysis, insulin levels were positively correlated with serum triglycerides, fasting blood glucose, body mass index and negatively correlated with age. Conclusion : The fasting insulin levels of healthy subjects in Korea were relatively lower than the previously measured value of Caucasians. The insulin levels were decreased with aging and increased with the elevation of BMI, fasting blood glucose and triglyceride.