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Meihua Jiang  (Jiang M) 1 Article
Genetic Polymorphism of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptor in Korean Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Kyung Wook Lee, Meihua Jiang, Shanji Piao, Eun A Kim, Seong Bin Hong, Moon Suk Nam, Yong Seong Kim, Kyong Soo Park, Hyun Chul Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 2005;29(1):30-38.   Published online January 1, 2005
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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a hormone secreted by intestinal L-cells, which stimulates insulin secretion from cells. The biological action of GLP-1 is mediated by the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R), which is 463 amino acids in size, with 7 transmembrane domains. Because GLP-1 plays an important modulatory role in regulating glucose-stimulated insulin, the GLP-1R could be a candidate gene contributing to impaired -cell function and the development of this genetically heterogeneous disorder. Recently, four GLP-1R SNPs were identified in Caucasian diabetic individuals, and for the SNP at the Leu- 260Phe (A/C) position, statistically significant differences were detected in the distribution of genotypes between type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic subjects. We replicated the genetic association between the SNP at the leu260Phe (A/C) position in the GLP-1R gene and Korean type 2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: The Leu260Phe polymorphism in the GLP-1R gene was determined using a PCR- RFLP method (the genotypes were determined according to the results of polymerase chain reaction products after digestion and the digestive enzyme was BbsI) in 419 Korean type 2 diabetic patients and 345 nondiabetic subjects. RESULTS: In contrast to the Caucasian report, there was no significant difference in the frequencies of alleles, and genotypes between Korean type 2 diabetic and nondiabetic subjects. When analyzed according to gender, BMI and age of onset, the genotype distribution of type 2 diabetic subjects was not significantly different from nondiabetic subjects. CONCLUSION: The Leu260Phe polymorphism in the GLP-1R gene was not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and we were unable to replicate the genetic association between this polymorphism and Korean type 2 diabetes mellitus

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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