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Jun hwa Hong  (Hong Jh) 2 Articles
Maintenance of Insulin Therapy by Desensitization in Insulin Allergy Patient.
Jun Hwa Hong, Ji Hye Lee, Jong Ho Shin, Dong Pil Kim, Bong Suk Ko, Byung Joon Kim, Hyun Jin Kim, Kang Seo Park
Korean Diabetes J. 2008;32(6):529-531.   Published online December 1, 2008
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Allergic reaction to human insulin is uncommon. But they can cause mild to severe symptoms such as dyspnea, hypotensive shock, etc. Here we report the case of a patient with type 2 diabetes and insulin allergy successfully managed with desensitization. A 60-year-old man with insulin allergy was transferred. He had poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (fasting blood glucose 230 mg/dL). He developed itching sense and erythema at the injection sites of human insulin in a few minutes. And serum IgE level was elevated to 1618.0 IU/mL. The insulin was changed to other preparations, including short and long-acting insulin analogues, with similar responses. He was commenced on twice a day injection protocol in addition to his oral hypoglycemic agents, and achieved fair control (fasting blood glucose 100 mg/dL) on 24 units of Novomix Flex Pen per day, with little or no skin or systemic reaction. This is the case report of insulin allergy in type 2 diabetes being successfully managed by desensitization.


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A case of Rhino-Orbital Mucormycosis in Newly Diagnosed type 1 Diabetic patient.
Jae Min Lee, Kyu Yuop Hwang, Gi Young Choi, Hyo Jung Nam, Dong Hyun Seo, Sun Hyun Park, Jun hwa Hong, Hyun Jin Kim, Kang Seo Park
Korean Diabetes J. 2005;29(5):495-499.   Published online September 1, 2005
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Rhino-orbital mucormycosis was a rare, but mostly fatal fungal infection, usually found in poorly controlled diabetics or other immunocompromised hosts. This fungal infection begins from the nose, and rapidly spreads to the paranasal sinus (PNS), orbits and central nervous system(CNS), and finally extends to the entire organ. Early diagnosis and treatment is the only way to increase the survival rate. Herein Is reported We experienced a case of rhino-orbital mucormycosis, with type 1 diabetes mellitus, which was confirmed by a maxillary sinus biopsy. A 38-year-old male had been frequently treated for tonsillitis, but with no history of diabetes mellitus. He was admitted with mental change, accompanied by a fever, facial tenderness and swelling, with progressive visual acuity loss. During admission, CT and MRI of the in orbital area were performed. A biopsy in of the nasal cavity was also performed, and the mucormycosis was diagnosed through the pathological finding. The patient was treated with intravenous amphotericn B and an endoscopic antrostomy.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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