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Jong Hee Cha  (Cha JH) 1 Article
Changes of TBARS and GGTase in Ischemia / Reflowed Kidney of Alloxan-diabetic Rat.
Jong Hoon Chung, Hak Yeon Bae, Jong Hee Cha, Jae Yoon Park, Pyoung Sim Park, Kwang Sam Koh, Byoung Rai Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1999;23(6):777-784.   Published online January 1, 2001
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To investigate the influence of diabetes mellitus (DM) on ischemia/reflow injury, the contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS: marker of peroxidative cell injury), and the activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGTase: marker of brush border membrane injury) were measured in ischemia/reflowed kidney of diabetic rats. METHODS: Rats were divided into the 3 groups; control (C), diabetes for 2 weeks (DM2) and diabetes for 4 weeks (DM4), and DM was induced by alloxan (80 mg/kg ip). Left kidney was subjected to 30 min of ischemia and 15 min of blood reflow, and the right kidney was used as a control kidney. The activities of antioxidant enzymes and GGTase, and the contents of TBARS were determined in kidney homogenate. RESULT: Catalase activity in ischemia/reflowed kidney was decreased 20% (p<0.05) in C, 34% (p<0.01) in DM2 and 23% (p<0.01) in DM4, while the change of SOD and GSHPx activities were not observed in kidney of diabetic rats cornpared with group C. TBARS contents, when ischemia/reflow, increased by 23% in C, 19% (p<0.01) in DM2, 16% in DM4, while the activity of GGTase decreased by 40% i#n C, 54% in DM2, and 55% (p<0.01) in kidney of DM4. CONCLUSION: The TBARS contents in ischemia/ reflow kidney of diabetic group showed no change, while GGTase activity was decreased significantly when compared with control group. This study may suggested that in ischemia/reflow kidney, the peroxidative membrane lipid injury was not increased, but the brush border membrane injury was increased by DM.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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