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Hyung Rho Kim  (Kim HR) 2 Articles
Therapeutic Effect of Amomum xanthoides Extract on Experimental Diabetes Induced by Alloxan.
Hye Won Rho, Jina Lee, Bon Sun Koo, Zheng Lim Zhao, Jin Woo Park, Hyung Rho Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 2002;26(2):126-133.   Published online April 1, 2002
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During the screening of natural products for potential anti- diabetogenic components, a strong protective effect of Amomum xanthoides extract on alloxan-induced beta-cell damage and in a mice diabetic model. In this study, the therapeutic effect of Amomum xanthoides extract was investigated after induction of diabetes by alloxan. METHODS: Experimental diabetes was induced by the injection of alloxan (60 mg/kg) to the mouse via the tail vein. To examine the effect the of Amomum xanthoides extract on diabetes, Amomum xanthoides extract (2.5 mg/mouse) was admini- strated intraperitoneally. The effect of the Amomum xanthoides extract on alloxan- induced diabetes was observed by measuring the blood glucose and serum insulin level, and a histological examination. RESULTS: Alloxan caused hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia by a selectively destroying pancreatic beta-cell. Pretreating the with an Amomum xanthoides extract completely protected them from the hyperglycemia induced by alloxan. In addition, the Amomum xanthoides extract administe 3 days after the of alloxan injection significantly abolished the hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia induced by alloxan. the alloxan-treated mice showed a marked change of in the pancreatic islets: the number of islets was reduced and the size of the remaining islets also decreased. However these effects of alloxan were significantly recovered by a later administration of the Amomum xanthoides extract. CONCLUSION: The amomum xanthoides extract contains potentially effective components, which both protect and treat alloxan-induced diabetes. The identification and action mechanism of the effective components of the Amomum xanthoides extract requires further investigation and it is suggested that the Amomum xanthoides extract be used as a therapeutic drug for diabetes.
Protective Mechanism of Glucose against Alloxan-Indeved HIT-T15 Cell Damage.
Tai Hee Lee, Tae Sun Park, Hyung Rho Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1999;23(4):530-540.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Glucose prevents the development of alloxan-induced diabetes, but the precise protective mechanism of glucose is not yet clearly known. METHODS: The protective mechanism of glucose on alloxan-induced B-cell damage as investigated using a Syrian hamster transformed B-cell line,HIT-T15 cells. RESULTS: Alloxan caused cell death, inhibition of insulin release, elevation of cytosolic free Ca, DNA fragmentation and decrease of cellular NAD+and ATP. However, pretreatment of HIT-T15 ce]ls with glucose significantly blocked DNA fragmentation, depletion of intracellular NAD+,ATP and cell viability induced by alloxan, but did not affect the increase of cytosolic free Ca2+.The result indicate that glucose acts between Ca2+ influx and DNA fragmentation on a chain of reactions in the diabetogenesis of alloxan. CONCLUSION: These protective effects of glucose on alloxan-induced B-cell damage werepletely abolished by pretreatment with inhibitors of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, dehydroepian- drosterone (DHEA) and epiandrosterone (EPI), suggesting that a metabolic intermediate, such as NADPH, produced from glucose through pentose phosphate pathway plays an important role in the protection of B-cell damage by alloxan.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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