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Hyeon Man Kim  (Kim HM) 6 Articles
Effects of Nateglinide on the Control of Mealtime Glucose Excursions in Korean Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
Hyeon Man Kim, Yoon Seok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Dae Jung Kim, Hyun Chul Lee, Dong Rim Kim, Dong Seop Choi, Eun Sook Oh, Moo Il Kang, Kwang Woo Lee, Chul Young Park, In Myung Yang, Jin Woo Kim, Young Seol Kim, Hyong Gi Jung
Korean Diabetes J. 2002;26(5):405-415.   Published online October 1, 2002
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Nateglinide belong to a new family of insulin secretagogues that stimulate the early phase of insulin secretion. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and adverse effect of nateglinide in Korean type 2 diabetes patients, whose diabetes were inadequately controlled by medical nutrition therapy, focusing on the changes in mealtime glucose excursion (PBG), fasting blood glucose (FBG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and plasma insulin. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This multicentered open-label trial was conducted on 66 Korean patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The subjects comprised of 36 males and 30 females, with a mean age, and duration of diabetes of 53.9+/-9.6(34~69) years and 39.5+/-44.0 months, respectively. The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) FBG and PBG before the trial of 6.7~11.1 mmol/l and above 11.1 mmol/l, respectively, 2) changes of FBG and PBG during the 2-week-diet treatment of less than 1.7 mmol/l. PBG, FGB, HbA1c and plasma insulin levels were measured at weeks -2, 0, 2, 4, 8 and 12. Any adverse effects were noted during the study. The data were analyzed by the intent-to treat (ITT) and the per protocol (PP) methods. RESULTS: Nineteen cases were excluded due to protocol violation or withdrawal. The PBG level was significantly decreased during the study 13.7 2.6 mmol/l, before the trail to 9.6 2.8 mmol/l after (p=0.001) which was particularly marked during the first 2 weeks. The FBG, HbA1c and fasting plasma insulin levels were also significantly decreased, from 9.0+/-1.2 to 8.2+/-2.0 mmol/l, p=0.0063), from 8.0+/-1.3% to 7.0+/-1.1% (p=0.0001) and from 9.8 7.2 to 8.0 5.5 pmol/l (p<0.05), respectively. Three adverse events suggested the nateglinide-related diabetes was not serious. CONCLUSION: This study revealed that nateglinide could be used as an effective glucose-lowering agent, especially for the control of mealtime glucose excursion in Korean type 2 diabetes patients who were inadequately controlled by diet alone.
Microvascular Complications and lts Relationship with Obesity in Outpatient Type 2 Diabetics.
Seong Kyu Lee, Bong Nam Chae, Eun Gyoung Hong, Hye Lim Noh, Hyeon Kyoung Cho, Yoon Jung Kim, Mi Deok Lee, Yoon Sok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Nam Han Cho, Hyeon Man Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 2000;24(1):60-70.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Korean type 2 diabetic patients who are frequently non-obese, may be genetically different from Western type 2 diabetics who are frequently obese. Therefore, the diabetic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Korea may be also different from those of Western countries. Until now, most studies reported in Korea did not analyse the microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus according to obesity, and also the criteria in the diagnosis of microvascular complications were different in each study. We investigated the microvascular complications and its relationship with obesity, in type 2 diabetic patients visiting an outpatient clinic. METHODS: The study subjects were type 2 diabetic patients visiting an outpatient clinic of Ajou University Hospital. We selected patients participating in a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, retrospectively. Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed according to the WHO/NDDG classification of diabetes. Biochemical studies including lipid profile, plasma insulin and C-peptide levels were done. Anthropometric measurements were performed. Based on BMI (kg/m2), the patients were divided into the following groups: the lean group, whan the BMI was less than 20kg/m2; the ideal body weight (IBW) group, if the BMI was between 20 kg/m and 25 kg/m in women and 20kg/m and 27 kg/m in men; and the obese group, when the BMI was>25 kg/m in women and >27 kg/m2 in men. RESULTS: 1. Neuropathy (45.2%) was the most frequent among the microvascular complications, and the frequency of retinopathy was 15.1%, and that of nephropathy was 4.9k. Within 5 years of diabetes duration, the frequency of neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy was 43.2%, 11.8%, and 2,9%, respectively. 2. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose levels were not different among the three groups. Beta cell function{delta(insulin 30min insulin Omin)/delta(glucose 30min - glucose Omin)} was the highest in the obese group, However, beta cell function(delta/delta G) divided by the basal insulin level, considered insulin resistance, was not different among the three groups. 3. Within 5 years of diabetes duration, retinopathy tended to be the most frequent in the lean group, whereas neuropathy tended to be the most frequent in the obese group, and body mass index influenced the retinopathy and neuropathy, statistically significantly. CONCLUSION: Diabetic neuropathy was the most frequent among microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in our study subjects. At the time of presentation within 5 years of diabetes duration, the lean group of type 2 diabetics had a tendency of the more frequent retinopathy, the obese group had a tendency of the more frequent neuropathy. These results suggest that type 2 diabetes mellitus in Korea is also not a singie disease entity, as in Western countries and is a heterogenous group of disorders with a diversity of microvascular complications. However, the more studies about this will be required.
The Role of Insulin Secretion and Insulin Resistance in the Development of Korean Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Bong Nam Chae, Seong Kyu Lee, Eun Gyoung Hong, Yoon Sok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Hyeon Man Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(4):491-503.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Impaired insulin secretinn, peripheral insulin resistance, a disproportionately elevated rate of hepatic glucose production and influence of inherited or enviromental factors contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM). But, which defect is primary is still controversial To determine whether insulin resistance or insulin deficiency is primary in the pathogenesis of type 2 DM, we studied normal glucose tolerant offsprings of type 2 diabetic patients. METHODS: 22 offsprings of type 2 diabetic patients with normal glucose tolerance, ranging in age from 20 to 40 years, and 17 control subjects in same age range who had no family history of diabetes, and 21 diabetic subjects were included. We performed 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, euglycemic hyper-insulinemic clamp test and hyperglycemic clamp test. RESULTS: With euglycemic clamp test, the values of peripheral insulin sensitivity, M, were 8.59+0.94 mg/kg/min in control group, 6.98+0.65 mg/kg/min in offspring group, and 5.19+0.89 mg/kg/min in diabetes group (P<0.05). Considering that lower limit of the normal range were 3.78 mg/kg/min in M and 3.10 mg/kg/min in M/I, the frequency of insulin resistance was 14.3% in the offspring group and 33.3 % in diabetes group. First and second phase insulin secretion during hyperglycemic clamp test were blunted in diabetes group. In the offspring group, first and second phase insulin secretion during hyperglycemic clamp test were increased greater than control group, though statistically insignificant. The mean first phase insulin secretion were 38.55+6.81 pU/mL in control group, 55.09+9.40 pU/mL in the offspring group and 6.02+0.98 pU/mL in diabetes group (P<0.05). The mean second phase insulin secretion were 65.11+15.5 pU/mL in control group, 90.25 + 11.9 pU/mL in the offspring group and 17.6 +2.71 pUmL in diabetes group(P<0,05). Considering that lower limit of the normal range were 19.5 pU/mL in the first phase insulin secretion and 26.1 pU/mL in the second phase insulin secretion, the frequency of impaired insulin secretion was 14.3 % in the offspring group and 100 % in diabetes group. There was an inverse relation between insulin resistance and insulin secretion in control subjects. But in the offspring group, this relation was absent. CONCLUSION: Our results show that both insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion contribute to the development of type 2. DM in Koreans. In addifion, diabetic subjects had more severe impairment in insulin secretory capacity than insulin resistance.
The Oxidative Stress and the Antioxidant System in Type 2 Diabetics with Complications.
Ae Wha Ha, Hye Lim Noh, Yoon Sok Chung, Kawn Woo Lee, Hyeon Man Kim, Jung Soon Cho
Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(3):253-261.   Published online January 1, 2001
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Diabetes mellitus represents a state of increased oxidative stress which is based on the evidence of increased peroxidation and glycosylation, and reduced antioxidant system. It has been suggested that increased oxidative stress may play an important role on the pathogenesis of diabetic complication in type 2 diabetes. However, limited informations regarding the oxidative stress and antioxidant system in diabetic complications are available. Therefore the purpose of this study is to determine the oxidative stress and antioxidant system in type 2 diabetes with diabetic complications. METHODS: The study population consisted of 94 type 2 diabetic patients and 44 normal subjects. The concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBA-RS) and the activities of antioxidants enzymes, catalase, superoxide dismutase(SOD), glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) in erythrocyte were detennined by using spectrophotometer. The plasma concantrations of b-carotene, lycopene, lutein, a-tocopherol and retinol were determined by using HPLC. RESULTS: The TBA-RS concentrations in type 2 diabetes(1.33+0.30nmol/mL) were significantly higher than those in normal subjects(1.10+0.17nmol/ mL). Also the TBA-RS concentrations between subjects with complications(1.37+0.27nmol/mL) and without complications(1.28+0.17nmol/mL) differed (p<0.05). The activities of SOD and GSH-Px in type 2 diabetes(2.99+0.80U/mgHb, 2.88+0.39U/ mgHb) were significantly lower than those in normal subjects(3.54+0.44U/mgHb, 3.14+0.39U/mgHb). GSH-Px between diabetics with(2.81+0.6U/mgHb) and without complications(3.17+0.4U/mgHb) differed significantly. The plasma concentrations of lycopene and b-carotene were significantly lower in type 2 diabetes(0.07+0.05umol/L, 0.54+0.27umol/L) than in control subjects(0.14+0.06umol/L, 0.67+0.32umol/L). Also, lycopene and b-carotene in subjects with complications(0.05+0.04umol/L, 0.45+0.23umol/L) were lower than in subjects without complications(0.08+0.05umol/L, 0.62+0.30umol/L). No significant differences in plasma a-tocopherol concentrations between subjects with and without complications(19.42+0.93umol/L vs 18.66+ 0.79umoll/L). CONCLUSION: This study showed that in diabetes with diabetic complications, the lipid peroxidation of erythrocytes are highly increased and the antioxidant reserves are significmtly depleted, compared with diabetes without diabetic complications, which suggests that diabetes with complications are under high oxidative stress and the supplementations of carotenoids could decrease the oxidative stress in diabetes with diabetic complications.
Comparison of the New Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus Recommended by the Expert Committee of the American Diabetes Association with the Criteria by the NDDG or WHO in Koreans with Fasting Plasma Glucose between 110 and 139 mg / dL.
Yeo Joo Kim, Moon Suk Nam, Mi Rim Kim, Yong Seong Kim, Kwan Woo Lee, Hyeon Man Kim, Choon Hee Chung, Su Youn Nam, Bong Soo Cha, Kyung Rae Kim, Hyun Chul Lee, Sam Kweon, Yong Wook Cho, Kap Bum Huh
Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(2):209-217.   Published online January 1, 2001
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The current diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus announced by National Diabetes Data Group(NDDG) in 1979 were revised by Expert Committee of World Health Organization(WHO) in both 1980 and 1985. However, according to advancement in the knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, the International Expert Committee working under the sponsorship of the American Diabetes Association(ADA) decided to adopt the resolution proposing that the criteria of fasting glucose level applied to diagnosis of diabetes mellitus should be lowered at the 57 ADA conference held in Boston, USA in June 1997(97 ADA). Hereupon, by comparing the diagnostic criteria of the former (NDDG/WHO) with the later, the authors have examined the usefulness of new diaignostic criteria, 97 ADA. METHOD: We collected the data from 13 university hospitals in Korea which contain the results of 75 gram oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT) for 532 Kareans between 110 and 139 mg/dL in fasting plasma glucose. We have then evaluated the results by classifying and comparing them in accordance with the criteria of NDDG/WHO and 97 ADA, respectively. RESULTS: 1. The number which tested for oral glucose tolerance was 532 and the majority of tests have been carried out between 110 and 119 mg/dL in fasting plasma glucose. 2. When we have classified the same results of OGTT by respective diagnostic criteria of NDDG/ WHO and 97 ADA, the NDDG/WHO have diagnosed 50.4%(268/532) of the total number of people as diabetes mellitus, while the '97 ADA has shown that only 33.1%(176/532) of it corresponded to the same diagnosis. On the other hand, the diagnosis rate of impaired fasting glucose(IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance(IGT) has shown 28.8~ 31.8%(NDDG/ WHO) and 66.9%(97 ADA), respectively. 3. Following the diagnostic criteria of the 97 ADA, we have separated the results into two groups which were above and below 126 mg/dL in fasting glucose. In addition, when we have again classified two groups by the criteria of the NDDG/WHO, the group above 126mg/dL in fasting glucose, which was all diagnosed as diabetes mellitus in 97 ADA has represented a ratio of 72.2%(127/176) in same diagnosis. However, within the group below 126mg/ dL, in fasting glucose being classitied as IFG in the 97 ADA, its diagnosis rate of diabetes mellitus has also shown 39.7%(141/356) applying to the criteria of the NDDG/WHO. CONCLUSION: The criteria of the 97 ADA can simply make a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus with fasting plasma glucose and additionally fmd out the IFG whose rate is 17.9 20% regarded as a normal condition by NDDG/WHO, whereas the existing criteria of the NDDG/WHO have to carry out the OGTT which is difficult in clinics. However, since among the patients ot 50.4% diagnosed as diabetes mellitus by NDDG/WHO, the 97 ADA classifies 17.3% of them as IFG, it is regarded that the need of OGTT for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can not be passed over in the future.
Fibroblast PC-1 mRNA Content, Body mass index and Insulin Sensitivity in Korean NIDDM Patients.
Deok Bae Park, Seong Kyu Lee, Young Goo Shin, Seong Keun Lee, Yoon Sok Chung, Kwan Woo Lee, Hyeon Man Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(4):388-396.   Published online January 1, 2001
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